Illegality is AI in every which way. But duck that tripe, we can’t lose to Chinese militarily (but we did—info war wise) so we sold ourselves to Russia’s assets who are themselves in hock to Chinese power…
Once during an interview I was asked what I like and dislike about computers. My answer was "Because they do exactly what you tell them to do, right or wrong".
As a software developer I take issue with “start from the assumption that the outputs or impacts of that system are precisely what it was designed to do”:
As a security engineer the fact that you can’t differentiate between “a system’s purpose is what it does” and “a system’s purpose is what it was designed to do” explains a lot of software
the maccas ice cream machine isn't broken either; iirc it's broken so often bc they need to call out the vendor to fix it (so it can't get fixed quickly like everything else). the purpose of the ice cream machine is to generate value for the vendor and that might just include callout fees :^)
One of the comments on the original post says the “error rate” is derived from percent of denied claims that were granted after being challenged — which they say is roughly the same as how it works *without* “AI” — which just proves your point even more.