He’s been shaken of his assassination. He was acting scared and was thinking whether this is all worth it. I can understand him licking the boots. He pussed out. Not great
Thank you Jesse ,Thank You Sir , after visitin ya youtube channel , i can see so much clearer now why i am such a sucker ..LOL , i am such a stooooooopid lol
He is one of 50 Dems who voted to give the Treasury the ability to shut down any organization if deemed "supporting terrorism". He is bought and paid for in blood, and readily capitulates.
Primary them all out. Don't give up an inch on pressure
Now Why Would I Do That When Trump Is The Reason Two Of My Three Kids Disowned Me For Trump, They Tried To Make Me Vote For That BAG OF HOT WINDED SHIT
Glad to hear you aren't a trump fan. Maybe just don't project and assume radical things about our proven dem warriors even if they aren't perfectly giving you what you want to see and hear. Ya gotta trust in our party and the fight the members have in them, on our behalf.
Ok. Well maybe stop name calling just because a Dem says or does something you don't like. Maybe just not like it for a bit and wait for some clarity. I can assure you Moskowitz did not vote for Trump. That's complete silliness.
Agree. The tip off for me was his "slip-up" about Gaetz being a long-time prosecuter, I mean private practice, so he has loads of experience to run DOJ. Completely tongue in cheek.
He spoke frankly about the sitch. He's doing the right thing. We know Gaetz is a scuzz but we need to start talking realistically about things like they could happen, because they could. Let the GOP try to confirm & own him. Dems will vote against him & that is all they can do. Hopium only hurts us!
I think you got it so very wrong this time! Did you call Jarod up to talk to him and get his side of the interview? Did you do that or did you misread the whole thing without a thought to talk to him? Have him on your show if your so sure! Otherwise, stop bashing him! 😡😡😡😡
You got it all wrong Jesse! How could you get it so wrong!
I watched that and came away with it as being very sarcastic! I've seen Jarod on the house floor many times, I've seen him in interviews, I just don't know how you misread him so badly!
I'm so disappointed in you!
Lead, follow, or get out the way! I used to think he showed promise as an up and coming Democrat. So disappointing... I guess it proves that no one is coming to save us. The silence from our party leadership has been deafening;
Because there was an alleged assassination plot against him. The guy lives right behind my house in , Margate florida. I Actually saw when they arrested him Yikes. Now he is in fear so cowering to the right. SMH
Maybe he should resign if he doesn't think the fight is worth it. Understandable if he does. But we need strong leaders from all sides in this fight. Also I'm not a fan of zionist rhetoric
1st of all as a fellow vet I love what you do,keep it up the good work Jesse, can I call you Jesse? 2nd Moskowitz might be playing to a long term game. Give the gop what they want. With little push back, they have no one to blame but themselves, we should not save them as we always do.
You're hearing what you want to hear. He didn't capitulate one bit & didn't call Gaetz a good person. He said that he"s capable and has the ability to make the DOJ Trump's prosecution and fixer. He said we are here and this is the reality. You see the truth as bad because he isn't giving you hopium.
He is completely demented...or he thinks he's saving his own skin. Maybe he should read Martin Niemoller's famous words, because when they come for him, there just might not be anyone left to protest.
Jesse, I love yours and Brittany's work but... I think you misunderstood Jared. The American people did vote for this crazy crazy. Matt Gaetz will be competent to carry out Trumps ideas for the DOD. Jared isn't supporting Gaetz in a serious manner. Just that Gaetz is perfect for the Trump agenda
Omg'm DEEEEPLY disappointed in him...and to say this on MSM to an audience of (many) folks who either don't know any better or DO and are now happy as shit that he basically got a glowing endorsement from a Dem. Wow.
I feel like this is a bad episode of The Twilight zone.
I didn’t think it was a glowing endorsement more like a neutral, extremely polite factual statement the congressman has a family and himself to protect , unfortunately Trump and his goons are gonna cosplay mafia mobsters and Florida is a hellscape, but i agree any kind words are not good for USA
Pretty sure, if Moskowitz is talking like this, he's got a reason. He has never shown any fear of standing up to the maga idiots in the past. I can only imagine there's strategy there... despite it not sounding like it (However, it is cringeworthy to hear!)
Hey Jesse, thanks so much mentioning BlueSky. I did not know it existing and it's a breath of fresh air. I will help in the big fight we are about to face. Please don't stop and keep up the great work!!!
#jessedollemore #saveourdemocracy
Primary them all out. Don't give up an inch on pressure
But, I do love your channel and your points of view, Jesse!
I watched that and came away with it as being very sarcastic! I've seen Jarod on the house floor many times, I've seen him in interviews, I just don't know how you misread him so badly!
I'm so disappointed in you!
Omg'm DEEEEPLY disappointed in him...and to say this on MSM to an audience of (many) folks who either don't know any better or DO and are now happy as shit that he basically got a glowing endorsement from a Dem. Wow.
I feel like this is a bad episode of The Twilight zone.
#jessedollemore #saveourdemocracy