I can’t believe there are actually people in this world who genuinely believe a black cat is somehow a bad omen. Like — it’s a cat. It has no opinion whatsoever. It doesn’t care about your religion or not. It’s not the spawn of Satan or some shit. It just wants love and food and to keep warm.
my cat that has passed named simba was this pearlescent black that made him look ethereal at night and under light he looked almost grey. he was a really loving cat, i hate when people just wont get a cat because its black and think they bring bad luck or something dumb
I love this. One of my things when getting a cat or two a few years ago was that the cat had to be primarily black or had a coat that likely wasn't as popular on social media as orange or other "photographable" coats. That's how I got Andromeda and Calypso. Don't see too many Tuxedos.
Silly thing superstition is.