Does the public have a constitutional right to the raw data? I would presume yes. Can there work be carried out if they are externally funded? How much will non cooperation affect their ability? Surely someone like can spearhead *finding* funding for such a group.
states have their OWN statistics.
during the Great Famine in China they blared out daily that harvests were at record levels to the point many local agricultural communes assumed they wouldn't have to work so didn't making it far worse.
The NEWREPUBLIC on November 12, 2024:
"Speaking with Russian state media on Monday, Russian presidential aide Nikolay Patrushev noted that while the U. S. election may be over, Trump is still beholden to "certain forces." "As a responsible person, he will be obliged to fulfill them."
They aren't "just" going to lie about the economy. They are going to destroy future admin's credibility whenever *they* talk about the economy. The lies they told about how the country was doing during 2024 on steroids, but with clear proof government lies about the economy, their own.
Why do you need experts when all need is a monkey throwing darts at a board — but even that’s just for show, cuz they’re just going to make up the numbers anyway to suit their agenda.
Back in the Reagan administration I had Republican clients (who loved him cutting govt) complaining about how there was less detailed information for their business planning. Of course they never blamed Reagan for it.
I wonder how investors, employers and consumers are going to react once they’re in an environment where they cannot trust any official information indicating how good or bad the economy is.
When I am unemployed and you tell me the the economy is soaring, unemployment is near zero and the good times are here. I am going to suspect something is up.
This is exactly right. The next place they go, and my bet is they are already there, we just don't know about it, is the Bureau of Labor Stats. They have to corrupt that office, and make it a source of pure propaganda rather than factual stats, to stay in power.
"... as he readjusted the ... figures, it was not even forgery. It was merely the substitution of one piece of nonsense for another .... Statistics were just as much a fantasy in their original version as in their rectified version."
It’s going to be hard to convince people the economy isn’t that bad when they can’t afford to eat and are being evicted, but I have faith that Trump will still be able to convince the dumbest Americans.
in 2 years Trump will be in late stage dementia, he will be among the dumbest Americans. I look forward to his total public mental breakdown. yes, his evil minions like Miller will run things behind the scenes but without that FAT pos out there it will no longer work.
Within a year, they will be creating homeless camps. Dont worry, no ovens (yet),that's whose gonna pick the strawberries. Remember lifing the child labor laws all over the south 🤔
during the Great Famine in China they blared out daily that harvests were at record levels to the point many local agricultural communes assumed they wouldn't have to work so didn't making it far worse.
"Speaking with Russian state media on Monday, Russian presidential aide Nikolay Patrushev noted that while the U. S. election may be over, Trump is still beholden to "certain forces." "As a responsible person, he will be obliged to fulfill them."
George Orwell
Control the information = Control the population.
"... as he readjusted the ... figures, it was not even forgery. It was merely the substitution of one piece of nonsense for another .... Statistics were just as much a fantasy in their original version as in their rectified version."