This is a really good summary of the whole Trump tariff clown show in a way that probably only the Canadian Broadcasting Corp cld do. Not like aggressive, just a dispassionate and very clarifying. Even elegant. Quite good.
Its monkey see, monkey do.
And like Putin, Trump overestimates his genius and underestimates his opponents.
Anyone with the intelligence to follow the explanation, doesn't need it, but it makes them feel clever.
Anyone that needs the explanation, won't watch it or won't believe it.
Unclear ramifications for dual citizens.
Probabaly to keep track of us if things get spicy.
🇨🇦 living in 🇺🇸? Arm yourself, get trained. Protect yourself as Democracy intends.
Are tariffs good or bad for America? Doesn’t fucking care. Is it bad to fire thousands of federal workers? Doesn’t fucking care.
Etc etc
A secondary purpose is a platform for propagandist speech. Right out of mein fucking kampf
The CBC is a reliable source for news, and *always* considers the Indigenous perspectives.
There's no colonised news sources I truly respect.
Except CBC. I'll go down in their defence, and I'll do it smiling.
This guy, our convicted felon, compulsive liar POTUS, is truly a bumbling idiot. When it comes to business acumen he doesn’t have a clue for the economy. He destroys everything he touches then blames Biden as the markets take a nose dive. Trump Tariff Clown Show: 🤪🤬👎🏼
As usual.
No. No, they are not.