As a lifelong, and once-elected small town council, fiscally conservative Democrat, I will not be supporting middle of the road Democrats any longer. No more donations, no more canvassing, no more texts, no more calls. ONLY progressives will get my support.
As a lifelong, and once-elected small town, who is to the center of today's version of the party, I will not be supporting squishes regardless of their ideology. Middle≠Squish.
I've started to view the vote as civil disobedience. The situation is awful; it might or might not get worse. But we choose not to collaborate with the perpetrators even if it means shutdown.
A weakness of YES is that it’s not clear what the likely length of a shutdown would be. They’re usually short. That undermines the argument that Trump & Musk could do even worse damage than what could happen in six months. Presuming a long shutdown also ignores the agency of Republican legislators.
Just one quibble, I don't think it's a given RIFs are a layup for accomplishing their staff cuts. That process may affect standing and they have some leeway with reorganizations, but I predict these will face stuff resistant in court and, if it endures, the MSPB.
Part of the problem here is that the Dems have no leader; no one person with the support of the Dem Party behind them to speak clearly & resolutely about the situation. Clearly Schumer is no leader. Jeffries? No fire. Dems need to be an opposition party, but they still don't get that basic fact.
Basically agree but you need to add the poisonous pill in the CR of stopping Democrats from their ability toget a vote on stopping dt's emergency basis for his irrational tariffs which would bypass the 15 day required vote. The CR would count days through September as being 1 day. Dt tariff immunity
Americans are in a constitutional crisis. This is a political coup and they won’t give a damn whether or not you live or die. We will be just like the Russians are to Putin. That’s where we are.
Right now, lots of people aren't even aware of what's happening. But if everything comes to a screeching halt, those people WILL notice. People won't get their SS checks etc.
They control EVERYTHING and can do ANYTHING. So let them try to blame Dems.
A lot of people will be pissed off but by then our country will be gone. There won’t be anyone to complain to. Trump will enact martial law. In the project 2025 document it calls for deaths. A ruling on project 2025 is coming up as to whether it’s a political coup or an agenda.
Is that why people are so amped about a shutdown? Social Security and Medicare are "mandatory spending", so they won't automatically get cut off during a shutdown, although Trump and Musk could change that.
I am filled with rage. They are going after all of our entitlements. There is a lawsuit right now on project 2025. Trump is following it. I want a federal ruling on whether it is a political coup or an agenda. We could try them all for treason, including the Supreme Court.
I'm filled with rage, too. The challenge for me is how to channel constructively. How to avoid directing it at the wrong people or letting it affect my own health--especially after 10 long years of escalating maga bullshit. They have ruined--and ended--so many lives. They've destroyed our country.
I lived a great life for years. Had a blast. Didn’t care if you were a republican or a democrat, gay black bisexual trans. I did not care. Ever since Trump came down that escalator all I’ve done is live in fear of what he was doing . I haven’t had any fun since then. It’s a political coup.
Understood. Both Chambers represent the People. Without representation there will be a revolt. People hate what’s happening already-wait until it hits people directly. Americans just might revisit the French idea of Storming the Bastille!
I say stay home so they can’t kill us. Plan ahead buying food water and then just stay at home. They’d have to come to our homes to kill us. They barely mentioned the guy that went that they shot the other day that had a gun near the White House. Not a word.
It’s tough to control angry crowds! Most people would rather fight than surrender tbh.
I do understand your point of causing no bodily harm and staying safe… until you try and survive on nothing once your stockpile of rations runs out. Then all people will hit the streets.
When Red States start missing the delivery of benefits and services things will move. That’s where the pressure is going to have to originate to get Republicans to negotiate.
You’re exactly right because right now the Republicans approval of Trump is still at 79% amongst Republicans. Nationally he’s underwater, but that doesn’t matter to the Republicans in Congress in the Senate who are up for reelection. I fear it will be too late.
I wonder how many people Trump/Musk can classify as non-essential and let go in two weeks. Musk/Trump probably has a list already, so I imagine the dismissals would be pretty efficient.
But some of this thinking requires the Dems to trust that the GOP will keep its word on these asks. I don’t believe for a hot second that they will. There’s no good answer but the Dems need to take a stand.
An overlooked point in all this, is that it rallies your supporters! You try and you fight but even if you lose, you are engaging them. Laying down does not engage people.
Get blamed for it Democrats. Let the American people know you are willing to stop everything to save SSI and the little bit of public health insurance that we have!
Good. Trump and Musk are dismantling the government anyway. Nothing in a CR fixes this in a concrete way. Nothing in the CR works to bring back tens of thousands of workers that were fired by Trump. Nothing in a CR stops the march toward fascism - in fact it enables it.
Yes, and I do not believe voting yes will lead to any cooperation on transparency as to what is being dismantled anyway. There is no deal making happening here and Dems need to understand that.
For me, it comes down to a question of whether I would prefer to shoot myself in the face (affirm cloture) or the foot.
The first option doesn't present a lot of 'coming back from'. The other at least forces some manner of action, and potentially leaves some PINO priorities unfunded...
Oh isn’t that one of the best things? That we’re three hours behind everyone else so when everything has wound down on the East Coast you get to stew in it for an extra couple of hours, and then we wake up early in the morning and shit has already been going on for three hours? I just love it. /s
That’s my criteria.
Not sure that is operative in this case.
Right now, lots of people aren't even aware of what's happening. But if everything comes to a screeching halt, those people WILL notice. People won't get their SS checks etc.
They control EVERYTHING and can do ANYTHING. So let them try to blame Dems.
And yes, they having been doing whatever they want. So I can't imagine that's going to change in future.
I do understand your point of causing no bodily harm and staying safe… until you try and survive on nothing once your stockpile of rations runs out. Then all people will hit the streets.
They still think institutional guard rails exist. They don't. The government has fallen, and they are legitimizing its demise.
Get blamed for it Democrats. Let the American people know you are willing to stop everything to save SSI and the little bit of public health insurance that we have!
And then promise to expand it all!
There is an astounding void of principled leadership. It's not ALWAYS about 'can we win' it's about what we're willing to fight for.
The first option doesn't present a lot of 'coming back from'. The other at least forces some manner of action, and potentially leaves some PINO priorities unfunded...