Damn. Now Billing Montana has an entry in the 'empty chair' sweepstakes where Daines, Sheehy and Downing were the no shows. Almost 1,000 attendees https://dailymontanan.com/2025/03/22/nearly-1000-attend-billings-town-hall-raising-concerns-while-congressional-leaders-a-no-show/


When this happens in Montana they know they are fucked
They don't know it yet, but the long dildo of consequences is coming for them.

The winds they are a changin'.
And it's not bringing lube
Although Montana has few seats total in Congress, the power it has in the Senate is great. Pressure these Senators to stand up for the people.
We are not requiring them to cast their votes as a liberal. We are asking them to vote for America and to vote for democracy and the rule of law!
It's b-ball play-off time...full court press!
Americans from all walks of life see the urgency in standing up! Town hall meetings show the country that the people will rise.
Republicans/MAGA won't take responsibility & face their constituents. They are not a reliable Party, nor can they govern. https://youtu.be/yVK75OHqDXo
Keep it up. In every state. If your congressional representatives are not meeting with you...call them out. Whether they are Republicans or Democrats, they are not doing their jobs.
These no-show Republicans should be sanctioned for their behavior but a great opportunity for Democrats to show up test the waters even if everyone leaves … D’s can’t mis a chance to at least try to change the narrative ….
Tester would have been there. You fucked up, Montana; enjoy your vote
MAGA cowards only care about one constituent: Daddy tRump.
Tax payers and voters can go pound sand.
I want to see Dem Reps and local potential candidates to replace the no shows, fill this void. WTF is the DNC doing? Why aren't the leaders figuring this out?
Montana is deep Maga red right now. There are blue spots but it's not enough.
Yet they came out, looking to hear from *someone*
Yes. It's a good sign. Especially in montana
If they can't do their jobs, they shouldn't get paid
Might be a good opportunity for the Dem candidates who lost to them. There's no telling how long these no-show pols will stay in office. They might resign or be recalled. Dem challengers should get ready to run right now and showing up for the people matters.
Former REPUBLICAN Gov. Marc Racicot on the podium too.
We need John Tester about now
And they coulda kept Tester.
GOP cowards. Move the goal posts, hide from your constituents, lie about it later.
On today's episode of "They Expect the Elections to Be 100% Rigged Going Forward"....
That was probably the entire town! Good! Keep it up!
When Republicans don't show up, put people in place that will speak their mind. Whoever ran against him, put them in their seat. Then, if you can recall, these people start doing recalls on the Republicans and watch how fast to start showing up.
All three of these delightful characters were handpicked by MT Gov Greg Gianforte and happily kissed the ring of Trump. They’ve never worked for Montanans — only the hyper rich who come to exploit!
Trump has been assuring these fascist Republicans that they don't need to worry about any future elections.
This is democracy at it’s finest 👏
So devastating. If we ever hold elections again can I make a bet they're re-elected easily? Because they will be. Cheers.
These Republicans take their votes for granted and feel they don’t need to address them.
Put their faces on milk cartons.
MISSING: insert pic
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I am still sad that Montana elected Shady Sheehy. I can only assume he wants to buy the land and parcel it out to his posse. Jackson Hole 2.0🤮🔥
This is disgraceful
Wow. What’s their deal? Why aren’t they attending? They’re probably mostly old timers who are receiving a large payout for doing the dirty work.
People power in Billings Montana! Awesome 🇺🇸💪
As a former Montana resident I’m not surprised that Daines, Sheehy, or Downing didn’t attend the town hall meeting in Billings. They all are cowards. They need to be reminded that elected government officials work for their constituents. Vote all of them out of office!
Cowards they know they’re wrong
Selling off our public lands is overwhelmingly unpopular in Montana…these guys definitely don’t want to show up anyplace where they might have to talk about that…
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Snakes are EVERYwhere.
Good luck getting any of those spineless cowards to actually talk to their constituents…same for Zinke…
Way to go Billings!
Tester would have been there
A state that elected a lying carpet bagger like Sheehy (a guy who shot himself then lied and said it was war wound), and got rid of the most salt of the earth, true blue collar guy in the whole senate in Tester. 🙄
Telling what it says that “representatives” won’t meet with those they are supposed to be representing. Reprehensible.
No-showing a Town Hall in your District should disqualify you from that Seat.
They do not deserve a town hall. These dipshits are looking for someone to blame rather than look in a mirror. THEY voted for the Official they now want to hang. They deserve it all. As much as I can't stand these GOP fascist officials, why be abused by people too stupid to blame themselves
BILLINGS! Vote them all the fuck out!
Keep the signs on empty chairs coming. It tells the citizens that their Republican representatives are hiding from them for a reason. There must be something to hide.
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You mean most of the population of Montana? 😀 Just kidding!
No, , not empty chair , chicken sh*t chair town halls.
Wow. In Montana!
Should have voted for Democrats
To many town hall empty seats!
1 time is coincedance
2 times is a pattern
3 times is a SYSTEM!
They r informed not to show up of course by exactly the force we r trying to wipe out. The 1%,the few,they/them!
Cause no debate, means no progress what so ever. And favors their outcome!
Cowards. Mike from loserana said don't show up! And this is our congressmen/women. Cowards!
And included a speech by our former GOP governor and former Republican National Party Chairman Marc Racicot, urging us to fight for democracy; along with a letter from former Senator Jon Tester and yet this was the response of newly elected Sheehy: #mtpol #purple
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Racicot is a traditional Republican…good to see him speaking up!
This is taxation without representation. They keep taking everyone's tax money but refuse to address citizen concerns. There is no government under Treasonous trump, only a wannabe dictator disregarding laws and human rights to effect his insane billionaire agenda.
Go to their homes.
Tester would have shown.

#VoteDems Get Involved!
Get the word out to everyone!
Share it on TikTok!!

We need more pushback!

Signups @ #mobilize.us and #fiftyfifty.one for protests

Attend town hall meetings
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Trump vs united states immunity to sign orders like operation Northwood and have immunity. And with unitary executive theory the president can have government murder anyone he wants for what ever agenda he wants. And congress is fine with it.
Hopefully the fine folks at @nbcnews.com @cbsnews.com @nytimes.com @washingtonpost.com @cnn.com @foxnewscorporation.bsky.social

are paying attention
Floridians can change this April 1st. No more Republican loyalist to the wannabe king.

Vote for @gayforcongress.bsky.social FL-1 and @joshweil.bsky.social FL-6

Two democrats that will not hide and will stand up for us in Washington.

We deserve trustworthy servants to be our leaders.
Rachel just outlined all the town halls where cowedly republicans were no shows. People are really angry. I wish all of them had been this concerned before the election.
Yes, they weren’t listening to the truth.
#republicans are #cowards and #worthless to boot. Stop wasting your vote on them and we can get dems in and weed out the corrupt ones.
This was beautiful, well done Montana! 👏👏👏
Daines seat is up in 2026, Jon Tester needs to run again for that seat and start campaigning now. He can hold town halls all across MT - one every week until the election.
No Balls No Shows Chicken Shits
The majority of them voted for the convicted felon.
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I love this. So good to see so many standing up!
Why should the radical right do anything for their constituents? They don't care what you have to say. Their bread is buttered by corporations - who aren't people, by the way. Largely, BIG OIL. And have you seen the amount of coal on the railways lately? It's NUTS!
Re the coal trains: Glad to see I'm not alone noticing things like this quietly going on.🙂 Mostly, it's just paying attention!

BTW, anyone else noticed gas creeping up again? Core economic indicator. Not a peep from news media.🤔🤔🤔
Sorros much be a lot richer than anyone knew! /s
Should have voted for Tester folks.
Trust me, I did.
I did as well. It's not easy living in a red state
They are running scared of the angry mob.
Keep it up! Bury the GOP.
If Tester hadn't been turned out, HE would have been there. Same in Tennessee. These so called Representatives pretend we don't exist just as soon as the election is called in their favor. Democrats don't stand a chance but Democrats are ALL the Representation we ever get.
I’ll believe Montana sheds its Red when I see it.

If we don't stand together as ONE VOICE...we might as well not stand at all!!! No politician (no matter how big their platform is) can save us! The ONLY way to end this is millions in the streets.

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Lil E Stefanik bailed on her constituents in #NY21 too. Apparently no Repuke has the balls to face their voters
Republicans are pussies.
Can’t believe that Montana gave up a good senator like Tester to elect someone like Daines.
Tim Sheehy. trump sycophant. Daines already had the job.
Any adjacent district rep should show. Or Jon Tester.
Sheehy proved to them all he was a lair and they still voted for him!
They should have picked the bear. (Sorry, know it autocorrected to lair but 😉)
Terrified little whiners.
Across the U.S., it seems that a large portion of Americans are being represented by empty chairs. Four-legged inanimate objects. Taxation Without Representation!!
‼️7 days to 1st April and 2x Florida congressional elections in the 1st and 6th districts - go support the non MAGA candidates - you don’t need to live there to support them! Donate, call, visit, spread the word! Flip to house ‼️
They can run, but will not escape voters - which is why Putin has advised SPEED OF THE TAKE DOWN!

Move fast! Turn off the voice of the American People. Make them poor and ignorant BEFORE THEY CAN TAKE YOU DOWN!
This what you get when you vote for cowards
And according to Fox News and Trump, these are all paid actors by George Soros. Weird how he keeps finding all these actors to fill these roles. He must have an army of bookkeepers to pay all those people.
Remember this, #Montana …

Fish or cut bait.
Not a small number for Yellowstone County. Interesting times.
Disgusting lack of care for their constituents.
Why didn’t they re-elect Tester when they had the chance? 😩
November 2026 will be a wipeout for the GOP. A total, fucking wipeout. Disregard “what about the Democrats?”
Keep having town halls, take pictures, put on all the media sites. Invite Dems to hold a town hall for you. Then vote the MAGATS-GOP out.
I bet Tester would have shown
They had Jon Tester but they decided a rich, douche bag was better! Oops
Billings with an S, Josh.
Montana, the last best place? Not anymore. What happened to you MT?
Keep it coming!
Wish Tester showed up.
Cowards all.
My boss solved a similar issue recently, with employees he was disappointed with.

Send the congressional reps a demand that they report to their constituents in person a list of five things they did each week, and take a non-response as an immediate resignation.
Definitely should have had a Democrat ready to hit the stage when the weak Republicans pull a no show.
They had one - Tester
A follow-up couldn't hurt
that’s a lot of montanans!
Should be a requirement that they all hold town hall meetings or resign. They are getting paid for a job and that is part of the job
I agree, they should be required to have a town hall after every recess. They go to Washington, work there, they come home for recess, do 1 town hall, then take time off, go back to Washington.

They do them often enough and folks will feel heard.
All these white, middle class, small-c conservative Americans showing up and pissed off.

'Surreal, but nice.'
They are afraid of the backlash and they should be. Do better Montana.
Leadership Means Showing Up

“Dems Fill Stadiums” is headline news,
GOP are empty chairs to avoid boos.
Pissed Americans see things aren’t right.
Fuck GOP oligarchy bias. Let’s fight!
And yet…. How many voted for exactly what they’re getting because they refused to listen to the glaringly blatant warnings?!? Sorry, but I KNOW MT is deeply red. Did they think they’d somehow be exempt from it all? I feel bad for those who didn’t vote for it.
Roast them all!!
To be fair, the chairs were far more forthright, intelligent, and attractive than the people who were supposed to be in them
I bet those people’s elected representatives were afraid of them! I would be too if I pissed off a bunch of people in Montana. 😂
Massive organization event!
Repukins are chicken shit mutha….
yellow-bellied spineless fuckers 👍
They are a bunch of cowards! Daines is checking out autocracy in China to see how it feels.
What a pathetic bunch of cowards.
Why did they vote out Tester? I don't care.
Another no-show, not even my town hall. But I went for support standing room only over 400 in a red district predominant.
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Keep it up. The best way to beat them, aside from actually beating them, is to make sure they cannot pretend to be respected anywhere.
And everyone knows when they try to use children as shields.
1,000 Democrats.
Yeah sure, and it was all Democrats on Jan 6, too, am I right?
I bet you can’t find 1000 Democrats in Yellowstone County. That’s Maga Country.
California refugees.
Downing, too
They are all bending the knee to their king!! I call Daines and Sheehy several times a week and have no response even though I leave my name and phone number on every single call 😡
Getting 1000 people in one spot in Billings is impressive. Way to go :)
Missing Tester in Montana yet?
They're all complicit.
I know Jon Tester would have shown up for the people Montana.

Good job knuckleheads.
“But mah eggs”
But mah racism
@indivisible.org @democrats.org @maddow.msnbc.com @thebulwark.bsky.social @mollyjongfast.bsky.social
Town Halls in #Montana #Alaska
#Montana ! Well done.
sign if you can n pass it on
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Anyone starting to notice we're the Ones Left Behind.

Which is fantastic!!!

They didn't go UP...



Praise Jah!!!


Here in Michigan at a townhall the absent Republican was represented by a dummy wearing a suit. Bill Huizenga no showed.
Montana?!? Wow now Wyoming already stepped up and Idaho needs to hold an event. Those states are the reddest of red. If they are angry that says a lot.
Columbus, OH had an empty chair town hall yesterday with over 1400 attending (all that could be stuffed into the venue). Senators Husted and Moreno and Representative Carey were invited and didn't show. Representative Beatty was also invited and sent a letter.
I didn't know there was a sweepstakes, though. 😉
This seems to be a dereliction of duty. Maybe its time for some Recalls.
Keep holding these!!!
were they all threatened?
These "empty chair town halls" are nice, but these crowds should be instead showing up at judges' and lawyers' offices to demand they hold Trump/Musk accountable for breaking the law & ignoring the Constitution. THAT'S the imminent peril.
Theoretically agree however judges should be upholding the law without favor or influence, including from us. If they don’t - and so far many have - there is legal recourse, ie appeals, except at SCOTUS.
😡 These leaders should be ashamed.
Yea, I wouldn’t want credit for the shit storm either😎
Vote them out!
GOP think they are bullies and yet they are the biggest cowards. Clearly they can be beat!
Coward billionaires backing representative afraid to face the music of their constituents should be replaced and disparaged for life.

Safe happy waves from Canada
Time for a blue tidal wave, strike while the iron is hot baby.
One thing is for sure: Jon Tester would have been there if those dopes hadn't voted him out.

Thanks for flagging this, Josh.
That seems like a lot of people for Billings! 💪🏼
This was a very heartening account of We The People. Trump’s narrow win was no mandate. He had to lie to win by denying Project 2025 (4% approve nationwide) and misleading the nation that he cared about prices and crime, when he really wanted to corruptly build more wealth and power for the 1%.
Getting rid of Tester was a colossal mistake for a state that is resource rich and environmentally fragile. Huge mistake. Tester represented true Montanans.
Billings is pretty conservative. Those attendees were likely GOP.
So proud of my Billings peeps. 💙
Keep fighting. Its our only hope. Sure wish Jon Tester had won your state.
Republican congress folk: If you can’t muster the courage to stand up in your own party, perhaps consider becoming an independent!

Or resigning.
Tester would have shown up.
Contact: Howard Lutnick Secretary of Commerce

Ring (202) 482-2000

Let him know how you feel about SS checks being cancelled.

You can also email, tweet or facebook him from this page.
Word from Republican central : Too busy stealing Social Security checks to talk now.
“Don’t do town halls.”

And they listened. These people don’t deserve to be in office. F’ing phonies. They don’t care about you.
#20NewProvinces #PoutineNotPutin Write your Gov/Sen/Rep and say you want a referendum on impeachment, seceding, joining Mexico, Canada or other states. If he wants a new border and a constitutional crisis - give it to him. That letter is worth 10,000 posts.
Wow, it is amazing that Sheehy won a district of 1636 people when 1000 people showed up for a far-left Defund the Police and Abolish ICE funded event. It is almost like his own constituents are mad as hell and he risks some pretty epic backlash.

I look forward to him entering the Finding Out phase.
I still don't know how Sheehy won.
Very selfish, rich carpetbaggers
There was an insane amount of conservative money poured into our state. Sheehy was placed and paid for. Zinke never should have seen the light of day again, but the Dems put up Tranel who did creepy stalking commercials. 🙄 These guys don't take calls and publicly say all town halls are Dem plants. 😡
It’s never been about efficiency. It’s tearing down the US strength, security, economy, health and education for the benefit of the tinpot war criminal and allow the uberrich to pick up assets cheap

Tariffs are to extort and break alliances.
Please share this to spread awareness that Trump is a traitor to America. https://tass.com/politics/1870713
rvssia. rvssia rvssia
These republican house members are so weak!
Why would they bother listening to the cattle?
Let us hope there is anger memory come election time
They wanted Republicans so…..
Shoot! Missoula only got 300ish - Billings is much redder!
Wow I didn't realize Montana had 1,000 residents
Does that translate into votes for Dems?
That hotbed of woke radical leftism, Billings, Montana
Trump won Montana by nearly 20%, 58.4% to 38.5%.
Trump won Yellowstone County (where Billings is) by 62% to 34.9%; *27* points.

Republicans can keep insisting to the press and themselves that these town halls are populated by paid protesters and liberal ringers if they want, but it's BS.
They are supposed to represent everyone regardless of how they voted.
Show them by organising. Midterms are what will make the difference.
If we’re allowed to vote. It took the N@zis about 8 weeks to consolidate power.
Go, Billings!
It's like they know elections are no longer going to matter.
Ignore people who tell you showing up doesn't matter, and that nothing changes. Believe me, when districts are won and lost by hundreds of votes, as a representative, YOU NOTICE AND CARE VERY MUCH when 1,000 people show up angry at you.
Your reps are cowards. Now that it is confirmed, keep the heat on, people!
Montana you could've had a real leader this is on you gor your stupidity
Dumb and dumber are going to claim they are paid actors
I have conservative friends who attended that in Billings. They were angry when these 3 fools didn't show up!
Good! Maybe they'll be motivated to change their vote to 💙 next election. #EveryVoteCounts
I'm pretty sure they will.
I am sorry. If the GOP loses the midterms this will be why. I guess the 7 million who stayed home in November decided that wasn’t such a good job
A lot will happen between now and the “midterms”, if we can even vote by then.
Utterly pathetic, but not at all surprising when one considers the ethics of the #GOP! 🤮🤮🤮
If you'd only reelected Jon Tester, you could've
gone to a picnic instead.
They’re all cowards.
You can’t fix stupid.
Could've kept Tester...he truly understood Montana. Now Montana has empty chairs.
vote them out!
But where is the round-the-clock coverage by the media that Faux News did for the "Tea Party" fake rebellion...? So clear now how the Roger Ailes/Murdoch agenda worked, just like 1930s propaganda in Germany. A population educated in history and politics is vital! At least the US is half educated!
Getting redder and redder every day. Republican game of hide and seek!! OR is it peek a boo, where are you?
That damn Soros LMAO
Maybe it’s time to invite Clint Eastwood to do what he’s famous for: Attempting to interview empty chairs. As a hypocritical Repub, I’m sure he wouldn’t agree that turnabout is fair play.
More 🐥💩 representatives.
My sentiment exactly
Republicans are spineless
that's one way to unseat the Bernie Sanders chair meme, an empty chair meme.
I remember growing up and attending college in Montana. It was a largely Democrat voting state. Now it's controlled by the MAGA nazis. I am so saddened and ashamed. To my friends in Alberta, Saskatchewan and BC, stay in Canada until Montana is maggot free.
Just like their draft dodging leader, they no-show when they’re needed to step up. This is the maga way.
I hope folks continue to show up for these meetings where congressionals are no-shows. And then take the time to talk things out together.
Have to admit, the @dailymontanan.com did some excellent coverage on the event. Thank you!! 👏👏

Local news matters so much in the fight for democracy.
All three of them are absolutely worthless. But by God we have to vote red because because because ....