quick glance and poor eyesight 😭
i don't mean any insult by it, though, and i'm sorry if you took it that way- i took a scroll through your page and i actually do like your OC's design a lot! it's unique yet fits into the universe & contrasts nicely with Angel. i just thought it'd be funny to share.
I dont know how in the hell you Thought That was Osmosis Jones
Like, Theres no Comparison at all
i don't mean any insult by it, though, and i'm sorry if you took it that way- i took a scroll through your page and i actually do like your OC's design a lot! it's unique yet fits into the universe & contrasts nicely with Angel. i just thought it'd be funny to share.
it did get a small chuckle out of me
But its okie, No hard feelings ^^