I think if reading something is one way of learning, and a verbal lecture is another way of learning, then the same can be applied to recreational reading. Both are viable ways to digest content.
Technically yeah. Youre just giving the voice in your head a more audible form. You can still imagine all the scenarios in your head and stuff. I guess its kinda like how our parents would read stories to us.
depends on the book. listening to a thriller, or some fantasy is like watching a movie most of the time, but if you think you're 'reading' Virginia Woolf through an audiobook, no, you aren't
I think it counts as experiencing a book but saying that out loud sounds weird so just say you read it if you heard the audio book. I'm pretty sure reading and listening are two different brain muscles.
I mean not technically, but you have consumed and interacted with the content in a way that doesn’t mar your experience compared to reading directly. So it amounts to the same
for me “reading books” means no more than absorbing the contents of books - how you do it doesn’t matter so yes audiobook absolutely count as “reading books”
I’ll yell this from the rooftops. Consuming books in any form counts as reading! Lots of people choose audio books because of ease, time, and/or preference.
Best advice I ever got was to take the pressure off myself to enjoy things things the 'right way'. 😁But "you need to hear this on vinyl", "books not audiobooks", "play on pc not console." Chill out, you are not at work. Have fun
it isn't reading since the way you're engaging with the story and the format is way different but it is nevertheless a way of enjoying literature as valid as reading.
It's just that some people practice this weird elitism in which they think they are in the position of saying which is the one and only good way of enjoying books
those people can go suck a lemon
Id say yes. Plus, nothing is stopping you from listening to the audiobook while you read along.
Also, certain books are a pain to find or too expensive, so audiobooks are a life saver.(looking at you Black Library🥲)
Of course! There are certain story readers that really add some good emotion and tension that improve the experience (Jennette Mccurdy comes to mind for her book).
I heard someone say we have come too far as a society to start gatekeeping reading and make the point that before writing, as we know it today existed, our ancestors told stories to each other verbally. So, yeah, I'm gonna say it counts wholeheartedly. I'm kinda sick of people shaming others for it.
That being said, audiobooks are a great way to consume books
However, I know a few people who barely pay attention to the story because they zone in and out as they do things and that irks me 🤣
If you read while listening to an audiobook then you're definitely reading
Both ways, your still experiencing the book
those people can go suck a lemon
Also, certain books are a pain to find or too expensive, so audiobooks are a life saver.(looking at you Black Library🥲)