uh i think the werewolves in supernatural are a great "guy with teeth" one, good middle ground is van helsing(2004) werewolves, and "wolf" is like. twilight werewolevs
The werewolf from "lost girl" is a guy with teeth most of the time and then just turns into a regular wolf (not even a big one). The Harry Potter ones are more middle as are the Dr Who "Too the and Claw" episode ones. The "Being Human" were wolves are like 3/4 of the way to actual wolf.
More like a venn-diagram type overlap thing there, IMO. Synths on one side (fully artifiical and probably fully modular), protogens in the middle, (mostly modular hybrid of organic and cybernetic), and furries on the other side (fully biological and non-modular). All share an anthro animal form.
this spawned a conversation in a discord server eith some of my friends where we were trying to come up with a way to have a 4th pole for robot fuckers. we're working on a 3D scatter plot that might work
couldnt figure out a tool for making a tetrahedron and thatd be kinda difficult to use. we settled on a 3D scatterplot with the 3 axis being elf, robot, and furry with overall level of monstrosity being displayed by the hue of the point. lighter is not very monsterous and dark red for like cthulu
idk what some of them are, but i think i’d fall along the left line of the triangle since i think lola bunny, mermaids(some), and fox robin hood are all hot 😂
*i have checked zero sources to make this claim