Alright time to start posting some of my old art... and what better one to start with than the Team Wipe comic haha. Still is ongoing, but I figure this is the perfect place for a new comic thread on it!
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Too bad I'm straight. But hey! I'm also an ally man! lol
I can support anyone I cared for! lmfao XD
Wow gold really does a number on the figure (in a good way of course!)
You know your making progress when you can't even reach your arms around your midsection anymore <3
I will have you know that swimming through piles of gold with a weather balloon for a midsection is no easy task!
Surprise! Bod is the hill >:3!!
Alright mission accomplished. Bod is immobilized with loot, time to go home right....... right????
See this is why they always say you should keep an eye on your surroundings. You never know when a 20ft loot snatching sphere may come rolling through!
Incredible 🤤
Handsome Bod be handsome :D
I want to draw it 😳