The boys in blue aka the Royal Air Force are the best in the world!
They would just luuuuvv the chance to get some Ruskies.
I can personally vouch for that!!
I’m old enough to retire but able bodied. I would gladly leave my home in the U.S. to assist in any fight against Russians invading eastern Europe. The time to speak up for democracy and freedom is NOW! The traitors in the White House are compromised - and the GOP is completely complicit.
Lie and deny is all you will hear. They can not even stand up to the American people and support the chaos they have created. They are hoping people will move on and the anger will die down. Not this time. America does not support fascism. You can dress it up all you want this regime is fascist.
I wish I wasn’t an old lady. I would go. I’m a nurse. If I were younger I’d be able to do something. I urge you, sister and brother and nurses of all genders to look at whether you can go. Are you able to? Are you strong enough? When I was younger there wasn’t a conflict like this. This is the hour.
They would just luuuuvv the chance to get some Ruskies.
I can personally vouch for that!!