No doubt, they called them lazy when they were working for free as well. It’s what abusers do. Ask any abused wife how often she is told she is lazy and not contributing enough. It causes people to work even harder for their abusers to prove that they are not lazy.
All of us were - white working class in UK.
My great great grandad stood in the market place to get his muscles felt - make sure he was strong enough.
Black people treated much worse in USA, than white working class in UK - but the asset owners hate all of us.
(we cut legs off sheep)
The difference is - the white working class generally aligns with the asset owner class against Black persons to curry favor & to keep Black persons "in their place".
Yes - that is how they divide us - we should have ganged up together against the asset class centuries ago.
In my country presently:
Two chaps have plate of 12 biscuits
Rich man comes - steals 11 biscuits, points at one of men and tells the other "Watch out, he will steal your biscuit)
The most virulent tirade I ever heard accusing African Americans of being lazy came from two older female health care aids from Trinidad. I was 20 at the time, so my head spun. It introduced me to the dynamics between these populations in the US.
This is pretty good, but don't you think the stereotype probably came directly from the time of slavery?
Enslaved people had to conserve their strength to keep from being literally worked to death. Also, why work any harder than absolutely necessary in that situation?
Dehumanizing black Americans while applying racist tropes cultivated through systemic racism for centuries just furthers the belief that black people are without value. It creates justification in their minds to diminish to the point of redacting our existence.
They said that of the Latinos too! When are people going to learn to value others, not by the color of their skin or the language they speak but the diversity they bring to the table? 😔😞🌴🇵🇷
None of it was free, as they were worked to death against their will, and all of it was subpar. And they never got reparations from Lincoln because he got assassinated before it went into effect. Pay attention in history class next time.
I know there are people out there with kind hearts who understand what it’s like to struggle. If you’re one of them, please know that even the smallest bit of help can bring hope to a family that’s desperately trying to hold on.🥶😭
"Lazy" was their only form of protest. The only way for enslaved ppl to resist and keep their dignity alive. You can make me pick this cotton, but you can't make me do it fast.
George Washington couldn’t understand why his slaves didn’t have the same dedication to their work as he had. Gee, George, maybe because their only motivations were not being beaten or sold away from their families? So hard to figure out.
Lazy like building a railroad the entire way and they talk about the Chinese side and the Irish side. But the African is called just a slave as if they weren't pillars holding the whole system up.
‘DEI’ has become a racist trope used by racists to once again argue against DIVERSITY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION. It’s so obvious to everyone, well except racists of course. George Corley Wallace would be proud that his legacy lives on!
During Black History month, I learned of some many black inventors who have dramatically changed our lives. They are lazy because invented or improved thousand of things you use everyday without giving it a second thought. We're lazy because we work smarter not harder
The Civil Rights Act of 1957,
The Civil Rights Act of 1964,
The Voting Rights Act of 1965,
13th Amendment,
14th Amendment,
15th Amendment...
were all passed with a higher percentage of GOP votes than (D)'s.
Well, rap is music not policy. Those rap artists are free to say what they wish. They have the freedom to. I have the freedom to disagree with what they say while defending their freedom to say it. As a constitutionalist, I should think you'd understand that.
"men in women sport" is most braindead and empty type of cultural war that was sold to 'mericans ever. While there are obvious systemic misogyny inside society and political system, people are fed with stories about "bad transginger run on 2% faster, filibuster going uhuuuuu"
It's almost as if the Republicans were left wing back then, and the Democrats were right wing. Now, the opposite is true, as the parties switched platforms.
Emancipation was in 1863, Lincoln was assassinated 1865. Andrew Johnson was strongly sympathetic to the south, especially reneging on the promises made to the formerly enslaved, concerning property and suffrage rights.
It was introduced by Lyman Trumbull January 1866, while Johnson was in office; Johnson Vetoed the bill; the bill was overridden by the senate and passed April 1866; the house made into law April 9, 1866. It was part of the Radical Reconstruction
This is a brain-dead argument that only works on people who get their history lessons from Facebook memes. Yes, Republicans in the 1860s and 1960s helped pass civil rights legislation, but that has zero relevance to today’s GOP, which has spent the last 60 years dismantling those very rights. 🧵
The parties realigned, and the GOP became the party of white resentment, while the Dixiecrats who fought civil rights found a new home in the Republican Party. 🧵
If you had two functioning brain cells to rub together, you’d know Nixon’s Southern Strategy openly courted racist white voters angry about civil rights. By the time Reagan rolled around, the GOP had fully embraced dog-whistle racism and voter suppression as core strategies. 🧵
The party of Lincoln is dead, replaced by a party of whiny reactionaries who cry about “reverse racism” while gutting the Voting Rights Act and banning Black history from schools. 🧵
So no, the modern Republican Party isn’t some noble defender of civil rights, it’s the party of fragile white grievance, where dumbasses like you parrot talking points that would embarrass a high school history teacher. 🧵
Is this where you pretend that the Republican and Democratic parties didn't switch platforms entirely, and the democrats you're trying to blame wouldn't be republicans today?
And if you read basic descriptors of the Parties in the past, you will find that the Democrats were called ultra conservative back in the yellow dog days. The Republican Party was actually considered quite Liberal. As you can see, those descriptions are quite the opposite today.
Why is Joe your president though? Don't you think that if he'd stepped down a year ago and given Kamala a run at it trump might not have ever won? She may not have funded genocide either!
I agree. These conversations are ridiculous now. And I say that as someone who would've preferred if Biden had stepped down and/or dropped out earlier. There's no point going on about all that now. Focus on trump and the GOP, focus on Dems who need to win in special elections and the midterms
I understand...but unless we look back and learn WHY they lost, there's no going forward. Same with UK Labour...fine with being socially liberal and (a bit) green and LGBTQ friendly, but still in the pocket of neoliberal capitalism and the rich elite. People want CHANGE & wealth redistribution.
Yes I watched that! I'm a big fan and longterm watcher of Gary's channel. I'm not convinced by the Jimmy the Great guy as much...seemed a bit of a rich kid putting on an accent. But I'm 48, so probably not his target audience! Wealth inequality is at the core of so much of the fear and hatred.
I agree... I just feel the name 'joe is my president' implies a wish to go backwards, when what we need is to move past Trump, but also the old style Dems. I'm European so I watch from afar... Trump is a vile lunatic, but societally a disruptor to wake us all up.
The way I see it, the American people had a choice... slow and steady change with Kamala or the 'skateboard off the side of a cliff' type with Trump. I'd rather change in the 'unpicking a knotted yarn' approach than chainsaw, but I guess it'll be faster this way. Just with more suffering sadly.
"Choice" maybe not the right word?
Lower and middle class have become increasingly poor over last few years as the rich have sucked money up and out of the economy.
Of course some are damn mad and want to break the system. and the rich are terrified and want to break the system.
"Converge" better?
Yes, I think we will have to rediscover talking with each other and organising to get through this mess, globally.
Spain have made a good start - they have a platform
If you’re European it’s not really your concern If I were you I would worry about the fascist in your own country They’re there watching this very closely
That's telling a 5th century British person that the fall of the Roman Empire is 'not really their concern'!🙄😂 Your political choices affect the world, for now at least. And yes, we're well aware of our own European fascists, who are also supported by your unelected, foreign white supremacist POTUS.
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
This is true. Most slave owners in the south didn’t know how to do anything. Their slaves had all of the knowledge. Jack Daniel learned how to make Tennessee whiskey from an enslaved man named Nathan "Nearest" Green. Green was the first head distiller for Jack Daniel’s Distillery.
It happens every time in history. The rich exploit the labor of others because they can't do anything for themselves. Society collapses under the weight of it all, and the exploited have to rebuild.
We take for granted the life we have no matter where we’re from because we don’t revise history enough.. e.g sugar which is in most people’s homes and is easily accessible.. it’s origin was from far foreign place, India developed its granulated form and the demand for its consumption was
Partially why slavery started, along with other goods we also take for granted today, tea and coffee.
Without people from far foreign lands, without trading, exchanging and development we wouldn’t have the world we live in today. Learning, revising history is very important, so that no one fools us
My GOP-in-law was too lazy to keep the family farm going. He never has a problem saying both syllables of the "N" word. He's as lazy as the day is long, twice as misogynist. I used to attend family events, he'd sit on his ass, & yell," Ma...get me some milk."
I spoke up...and was the "bad guy."
I’m not shy about speaking up. When they start slurs on the gay community, “foreigners,” people of color and their anti-Semitic “jokes,” that’s when the gloves come off. I should include, my husband’s family are GOP and “overly pious-so called, Christians.”
Capitalists say poor ppl are lazy because it is a con. They have been doing it since the 1500s. They want to play more, so they make you feel like you are lazy if you don't work hard. It is a scam for them to work less and use you to make money for them!
It is everyone in America. The system won. All workers and the middle class have gotten it worse every year for decades. America is a shithole country to live in as a worker. The rich and politicians win every election.
It’s time for blue states to start working for the people.
Slightly unrelated but I remember when I had one of my first jobs as a teenager my boss would rant about how we should pay him for the privilege to work for him and I think that guy would be happy with slavery. That was back in Eastern Europe.
Then again MAGAs claim we Canadians are lazy, and Europeans also, so that when they do hire us for jobs they work us to the bone and then just refuse to pay us. It's why I don't work for American right-wingers anymore, they're cheapstakes and liars.
I laugh when conservatives talk about the benefits of slavery, how slavery was good for black people, too. Losing all of your rights an freedoms, but look at the good parts?
Technically, they were stereotyped thus while they were enslaved, as the tropes of the minstrel show phenomenon of the 19th and early 20th century tends to indicate.
Has anyone noticed that it has been the white guys that have been able to vote the longest and after all their years of experience this is what we get 🤪
Hmm actually it kind of does. Previous to slavery there is Dinka history, Yoruba history, Benin history, Congo history or African history “black” only exists after slavery fractures that link.
They whine so much about not having slaves doing stuff for them. They don’t say it outright like that, but you hear it between the lines. They complain about paying for any services or labor they don’t want to do themselves 🫠.
How about we stop worrying about something nobody alive today took part in or was a victim of and focus our attention on the millions of women and children living as slaves in the US today? More women and children being sex trafficked today than were ever sold in the US during our entire history.
Yes, that era is gone. But do you think that it didn't leave a cultural impact on the psyches of Americans today? Minorities are the biggest targets of trafficking (African Americans) today. We actually should talk about the era of slavery in America because it has affected what's happening now.
Everyone... most of the buyers that actually bought from African tribes were the Spanish. Most of the slaves of African descent in the US were brought to the us as 2nd or 3rd generation slaves born on plantations in the Caribbean.
Actually most of time, it black men trafficking black women and child. Same for white men and white women and children, as well as the other races. You are making up racist lies now.
Regardless of the past atrocities we need to wake the fuck up and stop ignoring the even greater atrocities happening right now today.
We MUST stop the trafficking of ALL people from the slaves corporations are using to work mines in Africa and China to the kids being harvested for their organs.
The racism that fueled slavery is still prevalent and deeply ingrained within the political, economic, and social structure. Pathetic deflection tactic to undermine the atrocity
Sorry but that just is not true. Most people being trafficked today are White Eastern European, Middle Eastern, then Asian, While Blacks are not at the bottom they are not at the top.
Tragically war makes the markets and right now the war in Ukraine Syria and the fall of Afghanistan has set market
I am very much aware but Africa has always been ripe with conflict I was in one of the teams that was sitting on the border of Rwanda waiting for the government to allow us to go in and stop the genocide trust me on this one I know exactly what is happening in Africa personally.
Very targeted data for a small area and tragically most areas like that the prostitution is not trafficking it is poverty and drug addiction that drives it.
A good sampling is events like the Superbowl as most of the prostitution arrests at Superbowl are women actually trafficked into the region.
They were considered lazy animals that had to be taught the value of a good day's work when they were slaves. White Europeans and Americans have always thought anyone darker than them is lesser (in general).
In actually had white people not been lazy and greedy we woul not gave had "slavery" in the USA
This king about that we never really ended slavery we just changed the name to minimum wage
Gee ...
I always thought my racist hateful parents said black and brown folks (they didn’t use such nice words) were lazy simply because they were projecting their own bad traits onto the people they hated for not being like them.
Not to mention the immense generational trauma engrained in Black DNA. “Oh slavery has been abolished for 150 years, they should get over it” BRO THATS LIKE NOT A LOT OF TIME AND AINT SHIT BEEN DONE TO HELP
And they are usually the complete opposite of all that 😆 some things may not be good things, but the way history and society has built this for blacks, we should have a better understanding and support system instead of prisoners 💯
I got my first job at 14, working landscaping for one of my father’s friends (under the table in the 90’s). The majority of his crew was Guatemalans. YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN A HUMAN WORK HARDER AT ANYTHING THAN THESE GUYS DID.
When people call immigrants lazy, I laugh. They wouldn’t have lasted 1 day.
If that was true there wouldn’t be so many billionaires in the world and anyone asking how so, do expect a reply. You are either too young or too dumb if you have to ask!
I think I've seen this photo in the Library of Congress online archives. I think it's also a stereographic photo. LoC is probably the next target for Apartheid Elon.
everyone under 50,000 income in america, basically works for free... the system is rigged so that every dollar made, ends up going to some rich person, without the worker having any say about the prices for what they 'have to buy'.
Equating wage “slavery” with the practice of buying and selling human beings which (not who, never who) the owner could rape, torture or kill at will while forcing labor and forbidding education you know it’s just not useful.
The fucked up part is it looks like a conspiracy, but the time that blacks got their rights to not be slaves coincides with the time England began shipping cotton gins to the USA. Making their search for labour useless. Much like Tesla Bots and HB1visa holders musk wants to inundate the USA is doing
A few comments in this thread seemed weird. I checked out the accounts and found a few bad actors/trolls.
Bad actors will often post popular content to their feed to seem normal but then they go to other people’s posts and troll. You can find their trolling by looking at their replies.
Leave it to a republicant to put the con in conservative
What’s even more amazing is he is the leader of a country who downgrades anybody who is white
The ultimate reparation retirement plan
My great great grandad stood in the market place to get his muscles felt - make sure he was strong enough.
Black people treated much worse in USA, than white working class in UK - but the asset owners hate all of us.
(we cut legs off sheep)
In UK the asset class, who own the media, are telling people that refugees are the thieves.
Same everywhere - divided we fall
Yes - that is how they divide us - we should have ganged up together against the asset class centuries ago.
In my country presently:
Two chaps have plate of 12 biscuits
Rich man comes - steals 11 biscuits, points at one of men and tells the other "Watch out, he will steal your biscuit)
USA, you still have a lot to learn to become a true democracy.
Medical apartheid by Harriet Washington and when affirmative action was white by ira katznelson are 15/10 as well.
I was just talking about this book. That’s crazy you dropped this!
Enslaved people had to conserve their strength to keep from being literally worked to death. Also, why work any harder than absolutely necessary in that situation?
Really fucked up either way.
It started as soon as Africans were kidnapped, brought here, their children kidnapped, and all forced to work as unpaid slave labor.
It was how the slave “owners” justified every form of abuse they inflicted on African slaves—men, women, and children.
Buncha dix.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964,
The Voting Rights Act of 1965,
13th Amendment,
14th Amendment,
15th Amendment...
were all passed with a higher percentage of GOP votes than (D)'s.
In the 60's and 70's, the (D)emocrats fought for women rights.
In the 21st century they fight against women rights.
The Republicans support a misogynistic administration. If they cared, we wouldn't have a rapist in office.
It was in all the papers.
Meanwhile, Rap is the most racist and misogynistic genre of "music."
Memo: There was no rape. 🙄
Media, largely owned by male, right wing billionaires, is not always a reliable source of majority views.
But as a christian, I understand why it's hard to believe. I mean, Trump is the spitting image of Jesus' values, right?
But, around the time you cited, President Abraham Lincoln (R) signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
House: Voted to approve 111-38, with 34 members not voting.
These are certainly convincing numbers, in favor of approval.
Thank you, again. I've learned much from you. 🤔
Maybe "Why the eff does Trump want global collapse?" Just a thought
Now is the time to allow those Republicans who are suffering to come into the tent.
We need a BIG tent for all this, globally.
Lower and middle class have become increasingly poor over last few years as the rich have sucked money up and out of the economy.
Of course some are damn mad and want to break the system. and the rich are terrified and want to break the system.
"Converge" better?
Spain have made a good start - they have a platform
Found out where I became confused - it was a pink one that suddenly erupted into the conversation, I'll go back and follow up in that
Coooeee 🙂
Without people from far foreign lands, without trading, exchanging and development we wouldn’t have the world we live in today. Learning, revising history is very important, so that no one fools us
I spoke up...and was the "bad guy."
It’s time for blue states to start working for the people.
You guys get paid?!
the system that enslaved them with their labor
The slander goes right to the oval office now!
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
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White's did not take Africans' as slaves Blacks did they sold their own people into slavery just like they do today.
We MUST stop the trafficking of ALL people from the slaves corporations are using to work mines in Africa and China to the kids being harvested for their organs.
Tragically war makes the markets and right now the war in Ukraine Syria and the fall of Afghanistan has set market
A good sampling is events like the Superbowl as most of the prostitution arrests at Superbowl are women actually trafficked into the region.
How the rich suck money from the poor, via "services"
This king about that we never really ended slavery we just changed the name to minimum wage
About colour, I can guarantee that!!
I always thought my racist hateful parents said black and brown folks (they didn’t use such nice words) were lazy simply because they were projecting their own bad traits onto the people they hated for not being like them.
The lazy ones.
When people call immigrants lazy, I laugh. They wouldn’t have lasted 1 day.
And the typical "I have black friends" card, go figure.
take it
Bad actors will often post popular content to their feed to seem normal but then they go to other people’s posts and troll. You can find their trolling by looking at their replies.