Outrage politics isn’t new!
In 1939, FDR moved Thanksgiving to accommodate an extra week of holiday shopping. Some Republican-held states, so incensed by the move, refused to recognize the new date for SIX YEARS.
Here’s a moment from a 1940 Merrie Melodies cartoon that lampoons the controversy.
In 1939, FDR moved Thanksgiving to accommodate an extra week of holiday shopping. Some Republican-held states, so incensed by the move, refused to recognize the new date for SIX YEARS.
Here’s a moment from a 1940 Merrie Melodies cartoon that lampoons the controversy.
Outrage politics are designed to exhaust us and force us to give in because it’s easier to maintain the status quo. Movies help us see that clearly!
🌈The More You Know🌈
Seemingly satirize both sides but it’s really targeting the heart of the bullshit