My 94-year-old mother would beg to disagree with Mr. Nutlicking asshole. She actually depends on her SS check every month. Lutnick better never run into my mom. She would love to give him a piece of her mind!
Words cannot describe how incensed I was when I saw this the other day. Who the hell does he think he is? And how out of touch is he? Many seniors rely heavily on social security and don't have $9 million dollars sitting in the bank in case their checks don't come through.
Lunatic Lutnick high on whatever Elon gave him to smoke. I wonder if these people are actually stupid or just plain evil. Either way, can’t wait for karma to catch up with them.
We're not all millionaires like his mom. So yeah, we must have our SS payments! We worked our entire working lives to save for SS! Not an ENTITLEMENT or a giveaway! Our tax money paid in from us and our employers! HANDS OFF of SS!
We were forced to pay into it. Those of us fortunate enough to live long enough had damn well better get every penny, including compound interest, back. BTW, I'm planning to live to 160, just to tick those asshats off.
Would his mother not complain because: 1) She doesn't know she gets Social Security. 2) Her billionnaire S-i-L pays her bills. 3) She never worked a day or paid in and doesn't want to draw attention to the fact she collects her husband's benefits. 4) It all gets invested, not spent on necessities.
On Trump's scale of monsters and degenerates ( a requirement for employment) Lutnick's a 9/10. And why is the Secretary of Commerce commenting on SS at all? He's a twat. Who cares what he thinks about a gov't program he has nothing to do with.
I guess if my daughter's husband was a billionaire and I lived in their mansion, I might be willing to wait a month for my Social Security check. Not so much if I needed it to pay my rent, buy medication, or put food on my table!
Now I see why the dumbing down of America has been going on. When people agree that advocating for what is rightfully yours makes you a crook, the world has turned upside down!
Some of these assholes need to be dropped into a city and told they get to live on 2k a month for a while. Guessing that might give them perspective. Fuck these assholes.
Strange is it not. That the majority of retired American citizens rely on the Contributory pensions for the lifestyle that they have. But voted or abstained from voting to disadvantage other Pensioners.
Am I missing something.
Retired Irish Pensioner.
Have dems been out talking about this all day? I'm on the road and not by any TVs. This is EXACTLY the type of thing dems should make hay about, but for some reason they don't. Gets on my last nerve that they don't...
The fraudster is Lutnick. And how does he know fraudsters would complain the loudest? Because he is a fraudster, and like all of a Trump’s crooked cronies, he thinks what he does, everyone else does. I paid in, my employer paid in, all on the promise and LAW that says I will get it in retirement.
Dang right it’s our money. But when you are a billionaire you don’t give a shit about the “little people “ who actually worked their butts off for a living.
I have words, but not even bluesky would allow them. Republicans push too far, like when they asked the elderly to die for the economy during the early outbreak of Covid. Now they don't deserve their Social Security taxes. This is a party that needs to be put down like a rabbit dog
I pledge allegiance to Elon Musk and to the Divided States of America and to his great wealth for which it now stands.
One nation under the idolatry of money, divided by the haves and have nots, easily divisible by lies with liberty and justice at his discretion.
Am I missing something.
Retired Irish Pensioner.
Every SINGLE day #schumer “leads” is a day tRump & Musk WIN
do your JOB
He really thinks it's all *his* money, and we're all stealing it.
I pledge allegiance to Elon Musk and to the Divided States of America and to his great wealth for which it now stands.
One nation under the idolatry of money, divided by the haves and have nots, easily divisible by lies with liberty and justice at his discretion.