They are now playing footage from the inside where soldiers are trying to enter the main assembly hall. The opposition (Democratic Party) aides are shown to barricading the doors.
Live footage of the main assembly hall shows no soldiers.
Live footage of the main assembly hall shows no soldiers.
I just want to add that I am a South Korean citizen and Seoul resident and I am *extremely* proud of South Korean democracy and this president has violated something I hold sacrosanct
Most of the aides are gathered at or near the main entrance. They have barricaded the doors.
The military has dispatched the airborne infantry to the National Assembly (I can't believe I just typed that).
The National Assembly aides were summoned to the National Assembly immediately after the declaration, which means there are quite a few of them in there, our last line of defense of our democracy
Deploying our military IN OUR OWN COUNTRY against OUR LEGISLATURE against the people that WE ELECTED