Thank you very much Sabin! I tried to search for your papers in this area but I couldn't find your website, which is my fault. Can you post a link? Much appreciated
It’s not your fault. I am a PhD Second year student working in the area and I don’t currently have a website, but I am currently working in migration, remittances and health insurance in Nepal.
Hey Michael , it’s Tamer. I’m 25 from Gaza, and the war destroyed my family’s home and everything we had. I’m doing my best to keep them safe, but things are really hard. Any support would mean the world to us right now.
It is great to realize you’re here, and ! I added both and delighted to learn more from you here as I have by other means over the years
Thank you very much! This specific Starter Pack is for people who research the relationship between economic development overseas and international migration from those countries. There are so many other scholars working on migration from other important perspectives, as you're right to highlight
Merry Christmas my dears May God make it a beautiful day I want to remind you that whoever wants to do something nice on this day, there is a Palestinian family in deterioration that needs your help .You can help them live a decent life. Please help with whatever you can🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Happy to be added, but I'm the field advisor type rather than an academic. Also, I haven't published research in a top-tier journal which I understand is a requirement to be called an economist.
Thank you very much! I want to focus this list on people writing on migration specifically, otherwise it will get out of hand. Are there writings of yours in this area that aren't on your website?
Can you please add Crossing Borders to your starter pack?
Thanks in advance 👍
I’ve added you and really appreciate the suggestion (and your posts)
(Cheers 🥂
I've followed everyone on the list. Hearing more from this crowd is exactly why I'm here).