Trump & MAGA are waiting for Black Americans to riot and set fires* so they can implement martial law.
White leftists are waiting for Black Americans to riot & protest so they can catch the Billy club & bullets so they don’t have to.
That’s why Black Americans need to protest by staying home.
White leftists are waiting for Black Americans to riot & protest so they can catch the Billy club & bullets so they don’t have to.
That’s why Black Americans need to protest by staying home.
Charlie cleans the room. Lucy trashes it.
Charlie cleans the room. Linus trashes it.
Charlie cleans the room. Marcie trashes it.
Charlie cleans the room. Pig Pen trashes it.
Charlie refuses to clean the room anymore but everyone expects him to clean it so they can trash it again.
A few will, but not enough to matter.
It's who they are.
Racism is permanent in this country.
I am a pessimistic optimist. Or maybe just a realist?
Plus I like things straight with no chaser. Don't want to get hopes up so people will be ready to do actual work.
On top of that, history shows that this era is an anomoly in US history. The country has been racist for ever.
An economic boycott is what is needed here. When the economy starts taking a hit, people will begin to listen. And it is safer for us.