Such a fabulous column by Matthew Syed on male violence, fundamentalism, and the Tates:


The problem is, if you're a mature, confident man, you don't constantly rant on about what a man you are.

Andrew Tate and parasites like him are not in the ‘affirming masculinity’ business, they’re in the ‘profiting from insecurity’ business.
Great piece.
It is fucking excellent - "In the end, the American psychiatrist James Gilligan was surely right when he said that the bulk of violence towards women emerges from some combination of shame and humiliation: “Because I feel small, I will make you feel smaller.”
The root of it all is the willingness to use power (in the form of violence) to get something, and the belief that exercising power is the only way to get what you want. If your life ain't right, "take back control"... in other words, exercise power over someone/thing "weaker" than you.