Octavo startles, quickly conjuring a fireball and hurling it in the direction of the little monster. "Gods-damned keese, get out of here!" he snaps. Seemed like the little nuisances always managed to find him. If this didn't drive it off, he could always use the Lute...
But it was merely a harbinger of worst things to come as Vaati saw that and it piqued the demon's interest.
Octavo rights himself and scans the skies in case there are more of them around, but at the moment, he doesn't see anything but the wispy clouds drifting across the stars.
And as Vaati gets closer, The more erratic the winds around Octavo gets.
He grabs his violin from its case, summoning his horse and clambering onto its back. Morin takes off at a gallop down the sheer mountain path, at a