What if, instead of bouncing off ban lines or being kicked by security orbs, entering a parcel where you weren't allowed meant that: 1. your avatar became invisible to everyone else, and 2. all other avatars and content on the parcel became invisible to you?
Some parcels Are open to people exploring and look neat but the ones between them &like the road are blocked. Been on SL for 20 years man, used to be so free to move around
They can either learn to be part of an active community beautifying mainland, or live out their solipsistic existense on their own isolated plot
Unsure if that applies to derendering someone though
But i will advise to add like a pop up message stating "You are in a restricted region, people can't see you, you can't see them, etc"
Also, does this mean i'm sent to "another plane" where the SIM and people are invisible to me?
Is the SIM and objects invisible off ban line?
Without seeing a before/after test of what you're describing I think a lot of people aren't going to feel this is the best way to go about it.
We need people to get out of this mindset that they're alone on mainland.
I'm sure you will find a way to make the mainland more explorable and make it easier/welcoming to explorers to randomly meet one another and socialize, like it was in 2006 - 2010.
I love the idea of no-bounce, but it almost needs an automatic "you + your vehicle slide to the opposite border" skipping the parcel rather than bouncing or allowing entry.
Every griefer and stalker is an explorer when pressed. Actual explorers are vocal minority who won't buy land, but they do demand access to everyone else's.
Something needs to be done and mutual ground needs to be found.
But ... little thing about "ban lines" & "bouncing off":
At least, if you are around in a vehicle, you not "bounce off".
* With luck, a vehicle just full stops.
* If you / a passenger is on the land, a harsh eject follows.
* And after a Sim-border, usual you be tossed somewhere
How bout That.
Essentially, it's being out of phase? But without being able to see avatars and items/builds?
Would the owner of land know they were there?
WRT new users... do we really expect the typical new person to figure out what you just diagrammed? Plus - lots of existing residents are complaining to me about security orbs and ban lines.
When that option is turned on, they wont render the overworld and people in the overworld wont render them.
So many times you are driving, you hit a ban line and your vehicle is erased or your avatar sent fliying into infinite.
Plus if the banline bounces you, you risk to cross another sim crossing
Overall it sounds like a decent idea but as people have noted, SLs ability to be so linked into peoples psycological experience gives it just as many negatives as it does positives.
You have an army of creatives and a ton of abandoned mainland that's running costs regardless of whether someone owns it or not atm.
The main issue for me are the 5-10 second orbs. Mandatory minimum to 30 or 60 seconds would be more reasonable.
Aircraft have no set transit routes. Allowing a pilot flying thousands of meters over your property a short grace period to reach the next parcel to their final destination is not an unreasonable ask.
Mainland has no "property rights"; only non-binding agreements with LL for use.
You are presenting a false dichotomy in that the only option is to pass directly through your mainland dwelling.
A. anyone on the banlist, still can't enter at all, period.
B. it needs to be like a separate "instance" where anyone without access that enters the parcel is basically alone
C. add a 15-20 second auto-eject so no one can hang around forever.
And maybe look into parcel auto-eject settings that act like security orbs built into the land?
As for 2, you know that would be great if your blocking feature actually works as intended. If the short block limit got an upgrade, top of not seeing their stuff visible to you.
Can people inside parcels with banlines be hidden by default?
That should be the default for the minimap. It should show parcel borders, and highlight parcels in red that a user has no access to.
Mainlands low occupancy stands testament to SL being the wild west, we're on our own and always have been. Empower land owners if LL can't / won't provide ToS enforcement.
If anything motivates the very worst offenders to return with a reduced stake.