Yet at the end of the report, with all that evidence, they still said they couldn’t prove anything. Why can’t we put bad, rich, powerful people in jail?
HE admitted guilt when he said he'd expose all of congress' criminal behavior if the report was released.
Make sure we don't fire any of the criminals convicted or not, said the puppeteers.
Now that the investigation has proven him to be a pedo with a history, nothing will happen to him. Because the courts and house love pedos. Let's see them prove me wrong.
And yet people will vote for this sex criminal, people trafficker and drug deadbeat again. Because Trump told them too. That's by far the most depressing thing of all.
Maybe we should be focusing on the Democratic Party and how they lose to a group of criminals constantly instead of playing along with the reality tv bullshit.
Sure, but just like when a scientist "proves" something we all already knew, it'd good to have it backed up with evidence and spelled out in specific detail.
Makes it harder to brush away or bury.
And still people are shocked when they should not be and of course not fines no jail time will probably get a profitable job and people will forget in 2 months
And Moses Mike is complicit. I guess keeping track of his & his son porn addiction is all the Christian values he cares about; drugs & sex & trafficking minors… no big deal.
Would like an investigation on the supposedly adopted son he talked about during one of those bs hearings years ago. There’s a story there waiting to come out.
when the report was released yesterday, i said (to the dogs) well, no shocker there... let's see if he will be charged and punished. not holding my breath.
And nothing will happen to him. No consequences. NOT. A.THING. why? Because he is a well-connected, privileged piece of shit. But a poor man would have been sentenced and locked away, deemed a menace to society. This asshole is free. So much for equal protection under the fucking law.
I have known ConOld Plump to be vile since the 1950's when he first started abusing small animals, and learning how to be a little tyrant bully, I have known matt 'please bail me out of the drunk tank again, daddy' gaetz to be a drunk & drug abusing pedophile since around 2017
Oh yeah, his ugly mug and personality screams SEXPEST PRICK YOU SAY SOMETHING FOUL OUT LOUD EVERY TIME YOU SEE HIM.
I know I do, my husband does…or I flip him off.
🤔…I find myself flipping off MAGA politicians and Fox News twits I see on evening news/youtube 50 times a day. It’s automatic.
FBI and DOJ investigators: "Nah, the little bitch kept changing her story, was unreliable and her two co-conspirators are in prison along with her for extortion and conspiracy." They dropped the case for lack of any evidence or merit. Nice try.
If we were permitted to see what the investigation brought up about Trumphole we would find out we were exactly right about him as well. With all of his crimes.
Your comments are correct so why would a president or co- president name someone like this to be our head law enforcement officer AG ,maga you will never admit it but you fuck up big time hope I can stay alive long enough to see the results of this fiasco
I think that categorizing and profiling all Americans is similar to doing the same to all humans.There are those of us to whom facts and morals matter. It's the same as saying that some states, such as Texas where I live, have collectively voted for these nuts we have.
I'm from Missouri originally, where literally every single rural county is 70%+ Republican. Every single one. There's no point in trying to qualify that because the MAGA robots completely overwhelm everyone else. We don't listen to people, we refuse to attack the real problem, and we keep losing.
Garland gave up. Believe there was a DOJ investigation in 2021 or 2022 and the witnesses were afraid of retribution by Gaetz and refused to testify on the record, in front of congress. Only testimony came from Gaetz buddies which would not have boded well for the outcome of the investigation.
Consequently, many conservatives are coping saying "it's alleged" and they wouldn't trust an anonymous source. Media is reporting it as "Gaetz has sex with a 17 year old on drugs" instead of "Gaetz drugged and raped a minor."
Every time I see that guy, I think I'm looking at the guy on the Beavus and Butthead cartoon. Did he take a picture of that cartoon to his plastic surgeon? Lol
I saw someone post that he didn’t care what Gaetz did in his personal life and it was his policies that counted. I think this captures one of the big divides. What moral/ethical standards do we expect of our elected officials?
And his policies were to use his position to enrich himself, continue to do Trumps bidding, etc. If a man is a criminal in his personal life, what kind of policies do we think he’s going to espouse in the political realm?! 🙄
How in the hell could you prosecute someone for rape if you were guilty of rape yourself and got away with it if I am every on a jury and the accused is not MAGA I am voting not guilty no matter the evidence our justice system is in shambles criminals sit on our Supreme Court the country is doomed
‘How are the “private life” crimes of monsters relevant to policy?’, they ask.
It’s because they’re not so private.
It’s because they hurt other people.
That makes it a public offence.
Private policy is public policy.
Well duh and Trump knew a long time which … helps you under stand how he controlled Gatez… And does the same with others! Now as dictator he can pardon their crimes and give them cabinet posts!
And Hunter didn’t check a box and was tried and found guilty if firearm violation which others were adjudicated with misdemeanor for same. Yet Matt and Trump never jailed one second for their shit.
I'd find it easier if my fellow Democrats would actually pull their heads out of their asses and understand why we actually lost. But our worldview just got wiped out and we can't handle it, so I'm sitting it out for now.
Identity politics, etc., has to stop before we're going to win *anything.* Until we truly grasp that, there's no point. We need to worry about winning, because that's all that matters! The Republicans have turned politics into a zero-sum game: Win, at any cost. (3/)
But marginal Democrats are openly saying in focus groups that the Democrats are too concerned about appeasing the far left on social issues and they're horrified by how far we have pushed the trans question. We are literally incapable of understanding that. (2/)
Non-voters don't vote in this country because they think both sides are equally evil and corrupt. This whole idea of appealing to them is a non-starter, because of why they don't like us in the first place. (1/)
they always get out to vote. idiotic liberals just forgot and then decided to whine about it on bluesky and twitter instead of acknowledging any mistakes like that will fix anything
80% of union people I know vote Republican because of guns. I've seen that for 25 years. We desperately need more unions, but it's not a long-term political solution.
Should have been front page news but was buried in my local paper on page 13. Meanwhile The Lying King says look over here (I want to buy Denmark or the Panama Canal) so he can deflect the news media from the real story. It’s really the only thing he is good at!!
It's what the Republicans didn't do. Why are they protecting prostitution purchasing politicians? Drug using politicians? Are these new negotiated morals & ethics in the nazi republican party?
Sex w/17 yr. old girl by a member of congress-gee what a surprise. Taking drugs -Matt Gaetz is gonna tell us what taking "ecstasy" is like. Does he think he is a teen again? DUHH
That's how they always get away with it.
Like with the Mueller report. They talk about it forever, making it into some next watergate disaster. Then they dismiss it as propaganda, only to come out as a truth that has lost it's fight to win.
Incredible…just incredible. Everyone knew but House Republicans circled the wagons around a slug like this anyway. And look at who they were. It’s amazing these people are like sheep. Sad isn’t it.
Make sure we don't fire any of the criminals convicted or not, said the puppeteers.
Now that he's needing a job he can finally star in the Beavis & Butthead movie
Truth never stops, it has no breaks!
Maybe Putin will release
the Trump Epstein tapes in time for Christmas, that be nice
News is now here!
All the time
Makes it harder to brush away or bury.
Gaetz for prison!
The 10 Commandments never covered paedophilia! So perhaps the Democrats should add an 11th amendment “thou shall not have sex with children”!
I know I do, my husband does…or I flip him off.
🤔…I find myself flipping off MAGA politicians and Fox News twits I see on evening news/youtube 50 times a day. It’s automatic.
Because it's the US, you know?
Same will happen with Special Counsel Smith's reports.
In this case, including your daughters.
It’s because they’re not so private.
It’s because they hurt other people.
That makes it a public offence.
Private policy is public policy.
But, done as an adult and some serious boundaries crossed, disqualifies him to serve others in a political capacity I'm afraid.
The media made this out to be a story on par with “Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor in Surprise Attack.”
Nope. 💎
Can’t influence your own democracy if you’re not involved. Even MAGA freaks recognise this now, which is why they all got out to vote.
Same thing happened in Russia, they demoralised opposition.
But I think they have to lose some first (like during this upcoming Trump admin)
Europe still remembers WW2 and what we stood to lose, the US didn’t have the same experience.
I don't know what to tell you except if you can get involved in unionization efforts, do it.
Unions are the only way to wrest power from capitalism in an age where our government is bought out.
Like with the Mueller report. They talk about it forever, making it into some next watergate disaster. Then they dismiss it as propaganda, only to come out as a truth that has lost it's fight to win.