Genuine question ppl 🤔
Do you think being in the nude improves your mental health and wellbeing ?
Does being naked make you feel better with/about your self ?
Or do you just get naked because you can ?
Would be interested in your thoughts 👇
Do you think being in the nude improves your mental health and wellbeing ?
Does being naked make you feel better with/about your self ?
Or do you just get naked because you can ?
Would be interested in your thoughts 👇
Desexualizing simple nudity was also key in overcoming some habits I wanted to kick.
I feel genuinely happier nude, but yes, definitely get nude because I can
In the past, it also added to my self-image and feelings of self-worth. I got more relaxed about body images. We‘re all naked under …
2. Yes.
3. Not really, see previous two answers.
-love the feeling of air on my skin
-hate the restrictive feeling of clothes
-cuts down on laundry!
-freedom of movement
-better sleep
-overall calming effects
Thank you for asking. Have a great day.
2. Not really cos I don't typically think poorly of myself to begin with
3. I can and do but for comfortable or convenience, not just because
I still have life long friends from that first week.
Naked, drunk, sport and sunshine. What could go wrong.
more calm and know I am accepted as me.
2. Almost. Being naked makes me feel better. Unrestricted. I am me, whatever I do or don't wear.
3. Probably. I don't even think about it. No clothes needed? Then why keep them on?