Would you be migrating these to markdown? Isn’t Astro just a site framework (that you’d either use with another CMS or use markdown files or something)
I'm not actually sure. Either way I wouldn't actually launch this, I just want to try it and see what another CMS feels like. I'm just curious how other bloggers are writing these days.
Looks like markdown files in a repo is the default way to do it with Astro.
Over the weekend, I migrated from WordPress to @astro.build for my personal site: https://www.danmaby.com/. I only intended to do it locally, but I liked the result and the framework, so it went live. I'm now migrating our company site with 1,000+ posts; this makes light work of it https://github.com/danmaby/wordpress-export-to-markdown
I just saw that on Twitter! Another reason why Playground has the potential to be the future of WP. There's been a ton of experiments like this built on Playground, but the big question is if they can ever turn any of these ideas into a stable and compelling product.
Statamic is definitely on my list to play with. I'll check out Directus as well. Looks like these two actually include an "admin" UI for writing as well.
I assume the content migration would be the sketchiest part.
Looks like markdown files in a repo is the default way to do it with Astro.
But if you want to play with other fun tools try...
If so check out: https://github.com/corcel/corcel