I was listening to #CynthiaEnloe reading her book ‘12 #Feminist Lessons of War’ when I read of mass #rape &killing by burning of #women in the #DRC
Such group #SexualViolence is hardly new but why can we not recognise that they are systematic? Crucial.
Such group #SexualViolence is hardly new but why can we not recognise that they are systematic? Crucial.
Harrowing experiences for decades
A mixed ESOL class register of females from Kurdistan, Sudan, Eritrea, DRC, Afghanistan
The majority of the class had horrendous experiences
One had lost 3 children murdered in front of her
I’ve done similar teaching and connected at other times with people ravaged by war. Women’s load, pain is particular and horrific. This story is unbearable. 💔💔💔
But these abuses tend to be treated as single events - we dont sufficiently hold & act on patterns
Do read Cynthia’s book!
Some experiences are inconceivable but we must keep bearing witness & easing that load