(Last minute lyrics)
On the 12 (random) days of Pokémon,
My PC stored for meeeeee~
12 Persians purring
11 Lapras Leaping
10 Nidokings napping
9 Woopers woopin'
8 Eevees evolvin'
7 Quilavas queuing
6 Houndooms a-howling
5 Magi-kraps!
4 Wobuffets
3 Digletts
2 Riolus
And a Starmie using BUBBLEBEAM
oh no not the second best gen 1 water move off of Starmie's crazy sp.atk stat WITH STAB (hydro pump has 70 hit don't @ me, and waterfall doesn't count because it's normal in gen 1 and also locked to Seaking so RIP lmao)
I really felt that one, haha! Was arguably one of the most powerful moves my seven year old mind had ever seen in Pokémon Red.
(Last minute lyrics)
On the 12 (random) days of Pokémon,
My PC stored for meeeeee~
12 Persians purring
11 Lapras Leaping
10 Nidokings napping
9 Woopers woopin'
8 Eevees evolvin'
7 Quilavas queuing
6 Houndooms a-howling
5 Magi-kraps!
4 Wobuffets
3 Digletts
2 Riolus
And a Starmie using BUBBLEBEAM
Eddie Izzard was right, that part of the song makes people beserk