🎧 Ep 221 of Jo Durrant’s Beautiful Universe podcast is out Weds:
🤩 Prof Adam Zeman talks about neurology, research into imagination & book ‘The Shape of Things Unseen’
🦡 How badgers hibernate at John Moore Museum
📲 https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/jo-durrants-beautiful-universe/id1533965221
💻 https://jodurrantsbeautifuluniverse.libsyn.com/
🤩 Prof Adam Zeman talks about neurology, research into imagination & book ‘The Shape of Things Unseen’
🦡 How badgers hibernate at John Moore Museum
📲 https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/jo-durrants-beautiful-universe/id1533965221
💻 https://jodurrantsbeautifuluniverse.libsyn.com/