It’s definitely fun, currently in its every character is broken so none are phase but definitely has the charms of OG overwatch, and yes the squirrel is viable
For its models? From what I hear, they are damn good and follow Overwatch well in the “Models so good they can be ripped from the game and go straight to porn” aspect.
The game itself? Haven’t played it myself, but it seems like folks are having fun with it. Not “perfect”, but “alright” kind of fun
very fun. its that feeling of wonder and amazment i got from og overwatch but now i have a bit of a bias and attachment to the characters due to it being marvel. obviously this game can go south at ANY time but i like it and hope its good for a long time
AFAIK confirmed so far we have Reed, Doom, Ultron and...I dunno if Emma Frost was officially confirmed or a leak, but she's as good as official.
I hope we get Cyclops. Ant-Man could be neat. And, for porn reasons only, Carol and/or Kamala (though Kamala would understandably overlap a lot with Reed)
I would suggest villains, but that faces significant risk of doing to this roster what Batman did to Injustice.
...I dunno how you'd make him not overlap with Magik, but I want very much for Nightcrawler to be in the game.
Oh, and I think Blade is also basically confirmed.
The game itself? Haven’t played it myself, but it seems like folks are having fun with it. Not “perfect”, but “alright” kind of fun
Has some slight balance issues imo
It’s probably one of the better f2p fps I’ve played in a good while.
Me, I kinda want to see them add the Thing. I know Mr. Fantastic’s going to be added later.
I hope we get Cyclops. Ant-Man could be neat. And, for porn reasons only, Carol and/or Kamala (though Kamala would understandably overlap a lot with Reed)
...I dunno how you'd make him not overlap with Magik, but I want very much for Nightcrawler to be in the game.
Oh, and I think Blade is also basically confirmed.
Playing with randos can be a hassle, but I think that's most team-based games :U