Cities in the middle of the continent, such as Chicago, Kansas City and Dallas, take a heavy toll on migrating birds.
For birds, these population centers pose endless hazards right along one of the most important migration corridors on the planet. But scientists know how to make buildings safer.
For birds, these population centers pose endless hazards right along one of the most important migration corridors on the planet. But scientists know how to make buildings safer.
He began checking around McCormick Place for dead birds, and soon realized the extent of the problem.
“It’s not a building that I think anybody – when it was built – would predict would be a major bird killer,” said Willard. “But it is right on the lake and has a massive amount of glass.”
It helped pave the way for treating McCormick’s windows with a film that makes them visible to birds, a change that may spare thousands of animals in coming decades.
“This one is a pretty easy one,” he said, “in the sense that there are very specific kinds of actions that lead to conservation successes.”