Would you like to help @jamalzuhir.bsky.social and his family get out of Gaza and also win amazing prizes donated by your fellow Blueskyers? Now is your chance- enter here! https://forms.gle/3jAppneRkpexGM25A
Log in with your Bluesky account to leave a comment
Simply go to the GoFundMe page, make a 5£ donation (or produce proof of sharing this fundraiser in your own post) for an entry for many amazing donations! You can enter as many times as you like https://www.gofundme.com/f/sspqf-10k-run-for-gaza
The contest will run between June 3rd and June 17- and it is not too late to donate cool things to it (in fact please do- I am terrible at asking people and so many of you make/do cool stuff) Here is a form you can fill out to make it easy for you! https://forms.gle/8NX4VwDQyem7ZHnGA
I'm not creative, and I have a small following here, but I am attending a sci-fi con in July and I can ask D.B, Woodside and/or Lesley-Ann Brandt a question of the winners choosing at the Q & A, along with getting their auto-graph on a photo as a prize if you think it would have value.
The question would have to be approved, I wouldn't ask them anything that might make them uncomfortable and I wouldn't do any of the "this is more of a comment than a question" type thing.
The first item up in the sweepstakes if from @juicysteak117.gay You can try to win your very own famous Katie Tightpussy movie review https://forms.gle/3jAppneRkpexGM25A
Anything you feel comfortable giving! I’ll connect you with whoever wins at the end to set up the shipping etc Just fill out the form 🔼 and let me know the terms and conditions!
I do digital artwork, but I am now thinking, I could do a custom bluesky avitar and banner art combo for a winner. I'll need to get home and sit down at my pc to fill the forms out, so I will in a bit!
will check it out