But we also need to acknowledge making that the single voting issue while the current administration told you they would support Israel even more, was also a mistake
I think "the test" started long ago. Before Gaza is was Libya and Yemen. And before that it was Iraq. And before that it was Afghanistan. And before that it was Iraq the first time. Perhaps going back since the wars with the Native Americans. It's always been a push to see how far they can get.
Welcome, I am Ahmed. I live in the city of Gaza. I was displaced for the third time from my home. I now live in a tent and find it difficult to obtain water and food. Can you help me to protect my family? https://gofund.me/69fde721
People wonder why I am so worried, and it's because I know they could do to Ottawa what they did to Gaza and hardly anybody will even try to do a damn thing to stop it.
You are right Molly. This day marks a terrible new escalation. And I think we all feel it, people are reacting differently though, and anger doesn’t save you from the truth.
In fact, the only way we could win right now is by being real about what the truth is.
How can we be expected to credibly fight ethnic nationalism at home while supporting it abroad?
Pluralistic secular democratic republicanism has no champions right now, and it shows as we lose ground to those wanting to divide the whole world into petty hostile ethno-states
What a precious dumbass you are.
If we won't protect our neighbours.... We won't bother protecting ourselves.
ISRAEL God is watching
Democrats are so ready and willing to abandon anyone at the drop of a hat, yet we're all supposed to view them as the "lesser of two evils"?
Yeah I don't think so.
In fact, the only way we could win right now is by being real about what the truth is.
Pluralistic secular democratic republicanism has no champions right now, and it shows as we lose ground to those wanting to divide the whole world into petty hostile ethno-states