Good call-out. I think many of us assume that having enough to eat, not dying of preventable illness, being able to afford housing, and not being completely illiterate would be givens... but I guess not. Would be interesting to start asking the question outright and see what the response is.
I think many #Trump voters think that life is a zero-sum game; that is, if more is given to another group, they’ll get less. Doesn’t usually work that way, because the economy is not a fixed size. It grows (unless someone does stupid shit like tariffs or layoffs people for no reason).
Most of his supporters are dumb, gullible, paranoid, angry and want someone to blame for their situation. Dump gives them that. They vote solely on their raw emotions without looking at the big picture or the consequences of their vote.
This is a really interesting convo. I think if you asked these voters what THEY think their best interests are, not a single one would cop it being white supremacy. They would come out w/all kinds of blather about saving the country from the far left etc. But yeah. It's white supremacy & misogyny.
This video has one of the best explanations of why White folks voted against their own best interests. Racial hatred and fears was used to justify anti- democratic actions. From the cadle to the grave, some people believe that Racial hatred ok thanks to brainwashing. Survival is what this is about.
There are a lot of misinformed people, but there are definitely a subsection of people who as long as black, gay, and women suffer they don’t care about the outcome.
Their evilness surpasses anything else.