It is a bummer when general pop culture discourse gets so mired with societal rot / culture war nonsense. But I wonder -- given how goldfish-brained everyone is about such things -- if it will even be remembered. I mean 1999-2005 is pretty much vapor in this regard.
[0 follower account sweeps up the green vial placed before them and guzzles down the poison and smiles before collapsing]
October and November 2022 was a moment above the clouds. Pure bliss for the hardcore fandom.
Season 2 can't come soon enough and hopefully the crowd is even bigger this time because the show deserves it.
But I could be retconning it in my head out of nostalgia, haha. It's true that we forget most of the messy stuff.
The "lore breaking" discussions are pretty annoying to me haha.
I remember spending most of that season defending its existence from folks saying it was boring because "no lazer swords/ just people talking."
It wasn't until after the Narkina arc that they came around on it.
But yeah, I am probably blocking out a bunch of weird arguments. We remember the good stuff more.
(sees Jordan Peterson trending)