THAT MAKES THEM EVN LOUDER help i might have to give them away anyways i think they were originally my sisters but she didnt take them when she moved out and i literally cant take the noise anymore once they wake up they wont shut up and it's making me go crazy slowly i much as i love them
do they have enough toys/food bowls? usually mine are okay with sharing but sometimes they get really posessive over things so i have to add another of whatever it is so they stop fighting and that usually works
it also might be their food...idk what you feed them but i used to use this one mix that used red dye and apparently it affects birds in similar ways as children?? my oldest got a little quieter and chilled out when i switched him over to food without the red dye
they have enough of everything even two swings they do fight over oner in particular tho idk why its the same swing to sleep on i should check out the food brand as well tho .... ty
it could also be a daylight thing? i know not enough sleep can cause behavioral/hormonal issues so mine have a strict bedtime that changes depending on when sunrise is
Are you able to separate them? Budgies can have mean streaks, and can be nasty little bullies (raised and hand-reared birds most of my life, and I have a friend who owns budgies that bully their cockatiels)
i only have one cage but it usually is never closed so they can fly whenever they want expect when its time to sleep so i try to have one of them in the cage now and one out ;__:;; hope they can get along again soon
Out of curiosity, how are they fighting? Is there feather pulling, leg biting, blood, or anything like that? Because they could just be having a budgie squabble
Also, what gender are they? (If you can’t tell, if you send a pic of their faces, so i can see if they’re both boys)
no blood but sometimes they are on the ground like one of them is on top of the other 😭 also they are booth boys they got along this far maybe they need to mate or something idk
One of them is on top of the other? Are you sure they’re both boys, because it kinda sounds like they’re mating
(Then again, they could be two boys doing things 👀)
So I’m curious what their fights look like
The main reason budgies fight is over mates, or food
hahaha yeah i’m positive i think even the vet confirmed it once 😂 mhh they do have one bowl tho to share food but there’s also food on top of the cage when they wanna snack so maybe it was just them having a little livers quarrel😂😂😂
Also, what gender are they? (If you can’t tell, if you send a pic of their faces, so i can see if they’re both boys)
(Then again, they could be two boys doing things 👀)
So I’m curious what their fights look like
The main reason budgies fight is over mates, or food