I do agree with Lilsimsie it missed matching appliances + I would say a sink and some barstools, if you feel like making an addon sometime *wink* *wink*
I can live without the barstools (so many from other packs) but yes, some new basegame appliances would be nice. We really don't have any, and not gotten any in a SDX. The ones we have are looking very dated 😅
Maybe, but base game barstools are truly sad looking. I tried building CC-free with the new stuff and early Sims 4 stuff does show its age, their art direction did a 360 after, I usually try to avoid it completely now
I'm still waiting for an appliance kit, maybe one which includes pack ones, maybe
I kind of abuse the industrial one still, and the one patched in for the 21st birthday. But yeah, there are a lot of categories that need some new basegame options, especially double bedding
Yeah we could use some more beds, for vanilla ones I just use DHD, and also more bedsheets like I've been doing some recolors based on IKEA bedding for them. Also, probably very niche but non-candle chandeliers? Modern metal fencing? Shower-tub combos? And I hope someday we get more closets haha
they really need to add closets to basegame already. Not fussed on shower/tub combos (mainly because i live with the annoyance IRL 😂) but they are great for small spaces. Also want the solo showerheads too
I do agree with Lilsimsie it missed matching appliances + I would say a sink and some barstools, if you feel like making an addon sometime *wink* *wink*
I'm still waiting for an appliance kit, maybe one which includes pack ones, maybe