Quick follow up on this thread about losses in Napoleon's 33e. I've crunched a few numbers on monthly losses, and have a few quick results. 1/
Reposted from
Graeme Callister
Ever wondered what actually happened to most soldiers in Napoleon's army?
I've just finished going through the individual service records for the hard-fighting 33e Ligne regiment (14,829 entries) through a decade of warfare.
Here are the headlines: 1/
I've just finished going through the individual service records for the hard-fighting 33e Ligne regiment (14,829 entries) through a decade of warfare.
Here are the headlines: 1/
As you'd expect, a few small spikes for outbreaks of illness, larger spikes for major battles (Eylau Feb 1807, Wagram July 1809, Borodino Sep 1812).
Large spikes in early 1814 probably deaths in garrisons. 2/
I suspect this is because of how losses were recorded - the regiment never received news of most men hospitalised during the campaign, so couldn't update records. 3/
As you can see, losses in September 1812 (Borodino) and Oct/Nov (the retreat) are enormous, dwarfing those of earlier in the wars. 4/
Note it isn't totally accurate, as the 'presumed POW' in 1813 don't have exact dates, so I've divided them evenly between months of active campaigning. 6/
Again, any man who returned to the unit at any point is not included in these figures - these are just men never heard of again for one reason or another. /End