The first thing I did for the first time after waking up was send a flirty text to him ๐Ÿ˜‚โ€”anyways he replied w sth that boiled my blood and id be honest I don't even remember what long ass shit he wrote bcz as soon as I read that he can't talk !!! I HAD lost my senses ....
2025 revolution: REMEMBER TO DIE BEFORE TELLING A MAN HOW U FEEL :) AHH PLEASE I MISS HIM I long for him and I wait everyday that he will text me. Wait โœ‹ ill tell u we talked nonstop for a week and the next week he ignored me and I KEPT INITIATING THE CONVO EVERYTIME anyways then one day he says: ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป
