But they wear the red hats🤪That makes it all the more apparent who can be reasoned with and whom can not 🐇 🕳️😳😲🥺😑When they speak truth to lies their is no discernment of facts or fiction🤯
"People may think you're stupid, but why open your mouth and remove all doubt." And even with that long-standing mantra, they still open their mouths, thankfully!
There is much knowledge one can gain with just hearing the tone of another. The best part is when you meet people smarter. That’s when it gets fun. Well if it’s something that one wants to know. Can’t make a horse drinking water lol.
That was basically John Stuart Mill's argument in On Liberty: even if people are saying things that are wrong, they should still be allowed to speak so that everyone else knows who they are.
If you defended the 34x felon, who committed sexual assault, stole national security documents, and tried running a coup on his country, you can sit out the Hunter Biden pardon discussion!
#satire #memes
"If it wasn't for us stupid people then all you smart people wouldn't look so smart would you..."