NEVER FORGET: Senator Lindsey Graham calls Social Security and Medicare "ENTITLEMENTS" (THEY'RE EARNED BENEFITS) & wants to cut them because he doesn't NEED them.
Lindsey Graham is the EPITOME of ENTITLED. When his sister NEEDED his parents Survivor Benefits he didn't say "no, we don't want them."😡
Lindsey Graham is the EPITOME of ENTITLED. When his sister NEEDED his parents Survivor Benefits he didn't say "no, we don't want them."😡
Don't play their word games...
Not that it should matter, but it does to him.
Never repaid!
Baby boomers are a large generation who paid in. It should be overflowing w money. Make everyone pay a % of their income going forward and it will live on. EVERYONE, no loopholes.
i dedicate this song to small dick republishits
bullshit on her heels
They get free healthcare, too. Yet, half of them say single-payer healthcare is bad….
We're so good to those slackers.
Just a preview of the next broken Trump promise.
So, yes, having paid into SS during your working years, you are ENTITLED to SS benefits
ENTITLEMENT literally means something you have a right to, so WHY do so many people take issue with the use of the word?
It's at the point where people are arguing that SS is 'not an entitlement'
Republican southerners like Graham and Clarence Thomas always think this way but often forget the desperate plight of their relatives.
Pay Congress minimum federal wage, put them on medicaid, and build WWII style barracks for them for housing.
Put his money where his mouth is
A typical muddled, self-centered, self-serving, confused Republican reaction. If something doesn't benefit THEM . .they don't see any reason for it. They just can't see beyond their own greedy noses.
That's MY money.
He better keep his fucking dainty little hands off, or there WILL be a war!
We expect the returns payments to begin at 65 as promised, to be made in full, to be made on time until we die.
I’ve been paying into it since 1968, and I’m entitled to get it back, with interest.
He’s not returning his $ to the government
There's no shame in honesty.
There is much shame in being a lying shill.
I wish there was a dem who can run such an ad right now
Using "entitlement" as a pejorative is GOP propaganda & every time you say "it's NOT an entitlement," you are playing their game. STOP!
noun: entitlement
"the fact of having a right to something". (note:FACT&RIGHT)
but it also states:
"the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment"
It has a double meaning depending on who uses it