Now's a good time to print off your Social Security earnings report & benefit statement while you still can. ALSO: Locate important ID documents - birth certificate, marriage license, divorce degree, certificate of adoption - ANYTHING that proves who you are and documents any name changes.
We didn't earn it, we funded it and not by choice, but by law. If the republicans end it then Bernie Madoff has NOTHING on the US Govt when it comes to Ponzi schemes. At least Madoff's clients VOLUNTARILY chose to hand their $ to a fukin shyster.
Right wing media echoing Musk’s declaration that thousands of dead people are still receiving social security payments is an outright lie! I have first hand experience with relatives who died. Payments stopped immediately because systems worked. Call out the lies!
We need to file a lawsuit against the government for breech of contract if they go after Social Security. It was required of us to pay into the system and
I started paying into it in 1974.
For many of us it’s our only safety net.
We paid into it! Figure it out people. How many years have you been working? What is your average annual salary over those years? Salary X .13 X Years = Your SS. For me it is over $300,000!
I repost this everyday,along with the J6 footage. One note, if I may: SS is not just an earned benefit! It is paid for with every paycheck since the first one. I've worked almost non-stop for 50 years (reached the max once!). I wonder how much I've paid into it?
That's right Peter. It's not an entitlement like the Republicans like to call it. Every American has paid into that throughout their careers, and they deserve to reap the rewards during retirement.
Entitlements are what Felon and Elonia got from their families. Never had to work a day in their life
The IOU is DUE. Pay UP and pay BACK with interest all the money YOU stole to enrich yourself. That's MY money. I want it ALL back WITH INTEREST. And it's millions NOT pennies on the dollar. Got it Muskrat????
Honestly, it’s no different than depositing money into your 401(k) and your company telling you later that it was an entitlement and you don’t deserve it.
Not sure I understand this. Money YOU contribute to a 401(k) is yours to keep, as I understand it. Matching funds the company contributes are usually given to you free and clear under a vesting schedule defined by the plan rules. At retirement or resignation, you should be able to port those funds.
Exactly. Your money, whether invested by the government, business, or banks is yours. Matching funds are yours, interest is yours. Anyone saying SS is entitlement could easily move to say any of your investments is an entitlement and can be taken. Red hat beliefs are hypocrisy at its finest.
Don't forget, it's also a benefit we are ENTITLED to when the time comes. We need to stop being afraid to say, yes, it IS an entitlement, that we paid for.
Most of Congress is too young to remember that seniors on social security are the ones who protested against the Vietnam War. Don’t underestimate us; we did it once and will do it again if you mess with our retirement.
Yes! Critics have used the word "entitlement" to describe Social Security to suggest that beneficiaries think we are entitled to money we don't deserve. But I AM entitled to that benefit; I and my employers contributed for almost 50 years so I can receive that earned retirement benefit.
Good, responsible stewardship of our shared assets does not include stealing from them to satiate our new oligarchs.
Social Security is a "socialist" program: It's a government-run pension system that cuts out private money managers.
Thoughts and prayers to you red state politicians when your constituents realize the truth
I started paying into it in 1974.
For many of us it’s our only safety net.
Entitlements are what Felon and Elonia got from their families. Never had to work a day in their life