Trump's puppet GOP Speaker Mike Johnson's COWARDICE is showing. Republicans are COWARDS. If they REALLY believed in Donald Trump's cuts to the Federal Work force, cuts to Medicaid & Trump's policies they could speak for themselves. INSTEAD THEY HIDE LIKE GUTTER RATS.
aw hell
they all left the party when Christian Nationalism came in.
there is no good Republicans any more.
"I know you all are spineless cowards, otherwise you wouldn't be here.
But I need you to be even more spineless, bigger cowards and show more disdain for your constituents"
GOP Politicians are Cesspool Cockroaches.
Townhalls? Nope. You are irrelevant and will be spitten out with less freedom, less money and less rights when this coup is overturned. You should all lose your right to vote, because you lack the brain required.