To think, Pennsylvania had Senator Bob Casey who STOOD up for John Fetterman every day. Senator Casey was the CHAMPION in the Senate for MEDICAID! He also fought for Social Security, Medicare, ACA, Veterans, CHiPs. Senator Casey NEVER would do what Senator Fetterman is doing now. I hope Casey runs!π
Reposted from
Peter Morley π βΏοΈ
This POST did NOT age well for John Fetterman who PROMISED that he would NOT be another Sinema or Manchin. Very DISAPPOINTING.
I SAID 51 not forty something !
This is when people should have the right to recall. Changing parties should mandate a special election and changing talking points should be subject to a recall. People need the right to get what they voted for.
He thinks it's an everyday guy flex. I think he underestimates the ick factor.
This is malfeasance, humbuggery, a Trumpian-Style con of the voters of PA.
He's a liar, a trickster. He's a mole, a first-class motherfucker who wants 'dignified exchanges' from crocodiles.
Primary him, if we ever vote again.