🚨It’s CRITICAL for the people who are completely dependent on Social Security, this means seniors, people like me w/disabilities, low income households, people who have survivors benefits & veterans to speak out & share their own personal journeys. SSDI is my ONLY source of money on my fixed income.
The monthly maximum SSDI for 2025 is $967 for an eligible individual, $1,450 for an eligible individual with an eligible spouse, and $484 for an essential person.
I appreciate all you do too!!
So many of us.
I started calling reps & senators daily about 6 weeks ago, and post a daily reminder here so others can do the same.
If I lose my check/Medicare also...I'm absolutely not sure where I would end up!
P.S. is he still alive?
Everyone can livestream this event on March 27th, on the Institute of Politics' YouTube channel:
Please sign and share
We are a small sampling of the 71 Millions of Americans depending on SSA/SSI/SSDI/HUD /SNAP etc
So many of Us have been reclusive bcz of health problems & bcz of Our shared concepts of poverty= failure + lack of $ to be social or involved. This is Good now to Know of Our large mass
Thank You for putting it so succinctly.
Reading so many stories now on 1 hand is saddening but the Other Hand is strengthened
Now in my mid-seventies, I find myself planning survival in the streets -- any month now.
Please sign and share
I’ve been homeless and I’m scared to death I’ll be back out there again.
Please sign and share
How can they be reached, and helped to make their voices heard before it’s too late. Is there no one who will lead the charge for them?
It's been a long road, and without SSDI it would've been impossible.
I'd venture to say SSDI has saved millions of other Americans just like me.
to divide the spoils.
But yes, it would nix funds going to pay all the goods and services SS, SSDI & SSI recipients buy, and the subsequent domino effect chaos that would ensue affecting everyone else.
Even this old cowboy knew it.
Is that possible? It can pay benefits to our ABLE and Retirement accounts? The trust can take contributions from donors and maybe even state assistance?
Graduated as a nurse as a 18 yr old. Worked until my body broke, paying massive amounts in! So did my husband, my son , and the rest of my family. I have a rare genetic mutation that has destroyed my lungs and joints. I went from making 90K to 1600 a month. Yeah... fraud my ass.
They never saw me coming then. They'll never see me coming now.