A pee tape would be too tame- this goes much deeper. They have something huge on him, and consequently he has something on the GOP members. The only “protection” he has is blackmail and replacing dissidents with people he can manipulate.
And Poo-ton wants us to have a revolution so he can finish us.
Oh, come one, the PeePee tape is the least of it, don't you think? Surveillance derived blackmail is the coin of the realm for Putin and TFG (by way of leaning at the knee of Cohn). The foundation of what has been going on since 2015 is blackmail. Only thing that explains this insanity.
I have always thought the Russians have something horrible on him. There’s no other reason for him to keep bowing to Putin.Wish one of those KGB people with the evidence would defect!
If you can claim to shoot dead someone on 5th avenue without being prosecuted and get elected to the presidency twice you can surely pee on a few prostitutes in Moscow without too much trouble-what the Kremlin has on Trump must be WAY MORE SERIOUS
The one thing that makes me think maybe not, is that Trump is a man with no shame, no morals, no class. So, the peepee tape might not have that much of a hold on him. He's definitely Putin's man, though.
Putin has video of Trump fucking a child.
And Poo-ton wants us to have a revolution so he can finish us.