There were women speaking Spanish in front of me when I was checking out today and it made me smile. I never used to care but now when I hear people speaking Spanish it instantly makes me happy. The orange bully knows nothing, he doesn’t understand English or Spanish.
Why English? Why not one of the American languages that are thousands of years older? Why not Spanish which was spoken long before the Mayflower arrived?
Why not German, the language of his immigrant refugee draft dodging grandparents?
When MAGATs learn how to speak Shoshone, Ute, Cheyenne, Navajo, or any multitude of Native American languages, then I'll follow this executive order. In the meantime he & MAGATs can Fork-off!
Government kick me off TikTok so I started to learn Mandarin. Gov ordered me to only speak English so I learned Spanish. Next up will be Ukrainian because they are just badasses. SLAVA UKRAINI!! 🇺🇦
Wrong, He signed an EO that english should be the official language. You can speak whatever lingo you want. But English is our official language. Get used to it.
Idiots cheering the declaration of English as the official language of the USA while simultaneously being incapable of using your, you're, there, their, and they're correctly is the pinnacle of jingoistic chest-thumping MAGA stupidity.
Why not German, the language of his immigrant refugee draft dodging grandparents?
Oye PENDEJO todavía se llama El Golfo de México!
o en mi nuevo idioma: DuoFuckingLingo, aquí voy
Me voy a divertir tanto!