At age 30 make #bonsai so that you are able to lift it at age 50+ or try to have in your life one who can do so for you.
Eg NOT this
Rock 10kg(was all I had at the time)
Pot 7kg (was only one to fit rock)
Soil when wet adds KGs
Tree is now well attached and I don't want to risk transplant.
Eg NOT this
Rock 10kg(was all I had at the time)
Pot 7kg (was only one to fit rock)
Soil when wet adds KGs
Tree is now well attached and I don't want to risk transplant.
XL trees and several Large are now just garden sitters. Only showing Kifu Chuhin Shohin and Minis at exhibitions.
Name them or assign number. Have kids with muscles and husband with even more muscles.
Shohin, and
Kumono are my favorites. If I can't lift it now, I won't be lifting it later. 😂