Hiking is my new Prozac. I used to get paralyzed when life got overwhelming. I never regret forcing myself to get out and hike. Beat Saber is also great. Do whatever you can to not get trapped in your head. It's toxic there. The ticker tape doesn't stop. It's a struggle. You're not alone!
Oh yeah. As an extrovert, cons where I get to sit and chill and chat are some of the top highlights of my year. Coming home knowing it might be another year to have those moments hits pretty hard.
Thank you for sharing this! I feel this way after big social hangouts and it is nice to know that others experience this too. I think that we are just better in smaller groups or with one-on-one hangouts!
I will still do big hangouts occasionally but I also try to plan for self care after 🖤
I definitely feel this I’ve be struggling with depression also like the past few weeks on top of missing my friends my best friend moved to Tennessee like a month ago this definitely makes me feel better
I will still do big hangouts occasionally but I also try to plan for self care after 🖤