The centrist and corporate wings of the party are obsessed with the idea that "the left" (whether that's like AOC and other progressives or like, rando college sophomores) are constantly embarrassing the party, but it's always the centrist swing-seaters who do shit that hurts the entire caucus
Democracy is on the line and these assholes are like the other side is playing by some the rules. It's ridiculous.
Then pause to think why blue collar heartland middle America turned from blue to red.
Too little too late?
Plz take a couple minutes to see:
"News" now is what people say. What they do is often missed. Heck, look at Trump. We already knew what kind of pres he would be and yet people still play at being surprised.
The petty, multi-month argument that ensued was everyone’s fault.
That argument displaced the J6 coup conversation, which is a drum Dems should have banged for months.