1) that hasn’t happened in 50 years, and 2) either the king has no real power, in which case he can’t meaningfully check abuses from the legislature, or one man has the power to overturn the people’s will, based on his own judgment, solely because he’s descended from the Prince-Elector of Hannover
Having a leader who can't be displaced if they're corrupt .. that's not okay.
We have a system. You don't. You may scoff because it's hereditary rather than elected or appointed, but I think an imperfect system is better than no system at all.
Anyway an American king would probably be another useless rich fuck who’s boiled his brain in Facebook memes and Prager U videos just like the rest of them so even if we had one it wouldn’t help
Its only one possible solution to the issue of an absolute ruler.
Maybe the current administration's behaviour will trigger some changes.
It's a country with a lot of very passionate and progressive people, and talented lawyers. Let's hope they work together!
I think it’s probably impossible to build a completely tyrant-proof system (by the rules the US system should be quite resistant to it, but, uh, you know), but if it were up to me I’d abolish the presidency entirely. Even under ideal circumstances that’s way too much power in an individual’s hand
Aye. It's a very powerful role. What other form of government would you like to see?
Including a shadow cabinet/ shadow ministry might be useful.
That's when the opposition officially assigns someone to each cabinet member to appraise, criticise policies and actions, suggest alternative policies.
Maybe the US world be better with a king who can do that
You should probably reform it so that your democratically elected government doesn't hang on the pleasure of a single aristocrat, though
Absolute rulers like the POTUS really shouldn't exist.
Power needs to be divided in order to limit corruption
Our system also allows the party to replace the leader during their term. That happens quite frequently.
That's possibly because we vote for the party. I don't think the US system could work like that, because they vote for the individual not the party
We have a system. You don't. You may scoff because it's hereditary rather than elected or appointed, but I think an imperfect system is better than no system at all.
Maybe we'll replace it. It works fine at present
Maybe the current administration's behaviour will trigger some changes.
It's a country with a lot of very passionate and progressive people, and talented lawyers. Let's hope they work together!
Including a shadow cabinet/ shadow ministry might be useful.
That's when the opposition officially assigns someone to each cabinet member to appraise, criticise policies and actions, suggest alternative policies.