Reminder: These 6 MAGA extremists intro'd a bill that would allow S Carolina to kill a woman for getting an abortion.
I include their 6 public numbers here. Also, the official SC Govt Website lists their private numbers & addresses. Not sure why but hre you go!
I include their 6 public numbers here. Also, the official SC Govt Website lists their private numbers & addresses. Not sure why but hre you go!
More motherless children to ensnare?
The focus on doctors alone undercut their murder argument.
EVER been pregnant
EVER carried a baby
EVER been made to carry a baby
Maybe it shouldn't be their place to decide about who carries a baby.
Basically, the idea behind it is that if a person who has committed crime, faces death regardless of their crime, then you’ve given them zero reason to hold back once they’ve committed one.
SC lawmakers should familiarize themselves w/it. If someone who doesn’t want to be pregnant, faces death for an abortion, they have no reason to hold back.
Pregnant as a result of being raped? Kill your rapist. My only caveat is limit your murders to jerks who deserve it. Other than that, go for it.
Would you care to actually address my argument and refute it?
Darn Extremists
And the second unintended pregnancy Daddy causes is automatic sterilization for him.